Hidden issues in the cultural war

The hidden issue is cruelty. Abortion isn’t about “reproductive rights.” It’s about prenatal cruelty. Legalized slavery wasn’t about skin color. It was about cold-hearted cruelty. Human life in all of its stages and skin-shades deserves kindness and respect.

The most fundamental right is the freedom of conscience — the right to disagree with and disapprove of other people’s beliefs and behaviors. To call people who disagree with you “haters” or “phobics” is to reject true diversity by demanding compliance to your viewpoint.

Government approval doesn’t make cruelty less cruel. That was true about the cruelty of legalized slavery and it’s still true about legalized prenatal cruelty. If trying to help a human fetus be healthy is called “prenatal care” killing one should be called “prenatal cruelty.”

Two powerful creative joys of sex have been attacked, shoved aside, and slandered by our society:

1) Reproduction–the amazing delight of being a mother or a father!

2) The opportunity to create and maintain a life-long, healing, heart-to-heart, honest, committed, exclusive intimacy with someone of the opposite sex!

Photo by Markus Spiske on Pexels.com

About Steve Simms

I like to look and think outside the box. In college I encountered Jesus Christ and I have been passionate about trying to get to know Him better ever since. My wife and I long to see the power and passion of the first Christ-followers come to life in our time. I have written a book about our experiences in non-traditional church, called, "Beyond Church: An Invitation To Experience The Lost Word Of The Bible--Ekklesia." If you need encouragement, search for: Elephants Encouraging The Room and/or check out my Amazon author page. Thank you!
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