Category Archives: These are not drunk

Pentecost defined

Pentecost — to be so overcome with the Spirit that people think you are drunk. (“These people are not drunk, as you suppose.” Acts 2:15) Without spiritual fire burning in people’s hearts, Pentecost is just a religious word. Peter used … Continue reading

Posted in Acts 2, another Pentecost, dreams and visions, drunk in the spirit, Feast of Pentecost, God demonstrations, I will pour out my Spirit, old men will dream dreams, Pentecost Sunday, These are not drunk, this is that, This is that spoken by the prophet Joel, Uncategorized, with a demonstration of the Spirit's power, Your sons and daughters will prophesy | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Powerful Quotes About Pentecost

“There is a distinctive magic to Pentecost — full-blown ecstasy, an almost illicit experience of God. That first Pentecost, after tongues as of fire rested on everyone and Jesus’ friends and family spoke in other tongues, people gathered around to … Continue reading

Posted in A.C. Dixon, as you suppose, Bill Mefford, David Wilkerson, Feast of Pentecost, HUdson Taylor, Jack Levison, Leonard Ravenhill, Marie E. Brown, Mark D. Roberts, Mark Surburg, Matthew L. Skinner, pentecostal experience, Pentecostialism, quotation, Quotations, quote, religion, religious festivals, Salvation Army, Samuel Chadwick, speaking in tongues, These are not drunk, tongues, tongues of fire, William Booth | Tagged , , , , | 4 Comments