Category Archives: While women weep

Stuck in a pit? Or fighting from a foxhole? “I’ll fight!”

Why be stuck in a pit when you can be fighting in a foxhole? A slight change of your perspective can make a world of difference in your life! Life’s not easy. There are always problems. I’m sure you are … Continue reading

Posted in a cause beyond yourself, as they do now, choice, fight the good fight of faith, I have a dream, Nashville, overcoming obstacles, Paul of Tarsus, purpose driven life, Tennessee, where there is no vision the people, While women weep, Your mission should you choose to accept it | Tagged , , , , , | 5 Comments

The “I’ll Fight” Black Hoodie

As a white guy passing out flyers in a black neighborhood (Nashville’s McFerrin Park Neighborhood that has been known for drugs and violence) after the verdict of the George Zimmerman trial, I thought about Trayvon Martin.  As I put flyers … Continue reading

Posted in Blood and Fire, Christian rap, drugs, hungry children, I'll fight!, Nashville, Nashville adventure, Nashville events, Nashville streets, prison, prisons, quotation, Quotations, quote, Quotes, racial reconciliation, racism, Salvation Army, Salvation Army church, Salvation Army Corps, Salvation Army Crest, spiritual warfare, streets, trial, Viktory, violence, violence in society, violent streak, While women weep, William Booth | Tagged , , , , , , | 8 Comments