Thoughts about talking in tongues

  • Speaking in tongues releases the living flow of the Holy Spirit surging through your heart and out of your lips There’s nothing like it!
  • The mind tends to limit God, but speaking in tongues lets Him freely flow from deep within you.
  • Speaking in tongues requires surrender and humility — two things that God is looking for most from people.
  • The primary purpose of tongues is to strengthen you in your faith and in your relationship with the risen Jesus.
  • Speaking in tongues is a form of prayer that is prompted, released, and directed by the Holy Spirit.
  • When you don’t know what and/or how to pray for people, speaking in tongues will let you pray a perfect prayer from God for them.
  • Talking in tongues enables you to temporarily surrender one area of your life completely to Christ — your mouth, tongue, and vocal cords.
  • Regularly speaking in tongues will make the risen Jesus more real to you than anything you can see with your physical eyes.
  • Speaking in tongues floods your consciousness with the presence of Christ and the fruit of the Spirit.
  • Talking in tongues lets you experience the supernatural reality of the risen Jesus flowing from deep inside you.
  • When tormenting thoughts attack you, talking in tongues will force them out of your mind.
  • What’s up with this? Nowadays churches tolerate, accept, and even approve of all sorts of sin. Yet, many churches still reject the biblical practice of speaking in tongues.
  • Speaking in tongues is the introductory gift of the Holy Spirit that helps you learn to freely flow in the other 8 gifts.
  • Talking in tongues is a solidly biblical experience–a gift of God that is offered to you!
  • Trying to understand speaking in tongues without experiencing it is like trying to understand ice cream without eating it.
  • All 120 of the first Christians who met in the Upper Room, spoke in tongues.
  • They spoke “as the Spirit gave them utterance.” They moved their lips, but the words supernaturally came from God. The same with us: we do the speaking but God gives the words.
  • The miracle of speaking in tongues is not in your speaking (almost everybody can speak); but in the powerful flow of supernatural words that your speaking in faith, releases.
  • In the Bible, Apostle Paul said that he spoke in tongues more than anybody and that he would like for everybody to speak in tongues.
  • The Bible says that tongues are not for public use, unless they are interpreted so that the people present can understand.
  • Okay, I admit it. I speak in tongues. Been doing it for decades. And it is absolutely awesome!
  • The two things that have kept me closest to God have been frequently praying in tongues and daily Bible reading with an open heart.
  • To receive the gift of speaking in tongues, first surrender your life to the risen Jesus. Then ask for the gift of tongues. Once you ask, speak in faith (but not in a language you understand). There may be an awkward moment or two, but soon supernatural words will begin to rise up from deep within you and flow through your vocal chords. There will also be an intense release of joy and peace.

Watch this video: Crazy Bible Stuff–What About Tongues? (And subscribe for free to our channel.) @

speaking in tongues


About Steve Simms

I like to look and think outside the box. In college I encountered Jesus Christ and I have been passionate about trying to get to know Him better ever since. My wife and I long to see the power and passion of the first Christ-followers come to life in our time. I have written a book about our experiences in non-traditional church, called, "Beyond Church: An Invitation To Experience The Lost Word Of The Bible--Ekklesia." If you need encouragement, search for: Elephants Encouraging The Room and/or check out my Amazon author page. Thank you!
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