A led life or a life of lead?

Live a led life! Jesus said, “Follow Me,” calling us to be directly led by Him. When Christ lives in us, we don’t need a script, a technique, or a church program because we have His presence directing us from within! (After all, if Jesus is the Head of His body, shouldn’t we all listen to and obey Him, instead of turning church into a program?)

Many Christians have been unintentionally trained to quench and disobey the Holy Spirit’s leading. Let’s retrain ourselves and one another. To give people info about Jesus but not train them to interact with Him, is to leave their hearts empty. Sermons require people to listen without verbally responding and that’s kind of like trying to eat without chewing (or like trying to swallow lead).

Led lives need new wineskins that overflow with the new wine of the Holy Spirit. Let Jesus be the only celebrity when we gather in His name! Follow Him. Christ’s calls us to passion and participation with Him; not to passive hearts that are frozen as hard as lead!

Jesus’ ekklesias are golden lampstands (Rev. 1) showcasing the light of Christ through ordinary people obeying the Holy Spirit. Greek city-states had heralds who called people to ekklesia (their city council meeting). God is raising up ekklesia heralds again!

Let’s not keep open, Spirit-led sharing (ekklesia) under a lid. Let the light of everyday Christ-followers speaking up in worship meetings, shine around the world according to 1 Corinthians 14:26!

Christians are called to be an army, a family, a city council, and the body of Christ, but not to be an audience. To put Christians on the bench while only one person speaks, makes it hard to be an effective team for Christ.

Perhaps church could use some common sense: More faucets running = more water flowing. More Christians speaking as the Spirit leads = more living water flowing. Jesus is speaking to all His people, not just to a few of them. He said, “My sheep (not My shepherds) hear My voice.”

A church meeting could be a mosaic made up of input from many members, but usually it’s a formulaic presentation by only one! If you only focused on one piece of a beautiful mosaic, you’d never know what it’s really like. Same with the body of Christ. To only let one person speak in the body of Christ is like only allowing one piece to be seen in a mosaic.

A chandelier needs to let all of its lights shine, not just one. Perhaps a church does, too. A one light chandelier is an oxymoron. Perhaps a one speaker worship meeting is too. Church sometimes seems like staring an hour at one card, while leaving the rest
of the deck in the box. Perhaps it’s time to be led by the living Jesus, Himself.

About Steve Simms

I like to look and think outside the box. In college I encountered Jesus Christ and I have been passionate about trying to get to know Him better ever since. My wife and I long to see the power and passion of the first Christ-followers come to life in our time. I have written a book about our experiences in non-traditional church, called, "Beyond Church: An Invitation To Experience The Lost Word Of The Bible--Ekklesia." If you need encouragement, search for: Elephants Encouraging The Room and/or check out my Amazon author page. Thank you!
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