Can people today be led by God’s Spirit?

You’re the one they’re looking for. Sow well! Often when you meet a stranger in what appears to be a random way, you’re the one they’re looking for. They want you to sow hope into their life. You and they might not notice it, but you are in the middle of a divine encounter with someone who the Holy Spirit has led to you.

Many people you meet are being sent to you by God because they are searching for “Christ in you, the hope of glory,” for the fruit of the Spirit, and for the joy of the Lord. Open your heart with humility and kindness so that they can see the risen Jesus living and manifesting His presence and qualities in and through you. Then they will begin to open their heart to you.

Be sensitive to the Spirit as He leads you in what you say and do as you take the time to compassionately listen to and interact with people God sends you (even if you see them the way the ancient Jews saw the Gentiles). Right in front of your eyes God will touch and begin to heal their soul through the spiritual seeds you caringly sow (and He will do many other amazing things that you may not see until eternity).

It takes rare courage to obey the Holy Spirit, but those who dare to do so experience amazing things! Dare to be a Spirit-led child of God today. (Romans 8:14.)

Spirit-led people need discernment. Here are some keys to discernment. 1) Stay in the Bible. If it doesn’t align with the Bible, it’s not from God. 2) if it’s not true, it’s not from God. 3) If you don’t want to do it, it’s not from you. It’s either from God or the devil. 4) If it’s against your conscience, it’s not from God. 5) if it aligns with the 9 aspects of the fruit of the Spirit, you can trust that you are hearing from God.

In churches and conferences Christians are trained to sit and listen over and over until they die, but surely there’s more to Christianity than that! Isn’t there? To reject the idea that God wants to directly lead ordinary people by His Spirit is to ignore Romans 8:14 and to embrace the doctrine of Cesationism.

How is your relationship with Jesus? 1) What is a relationship with Jesus? 2) I sometimes talk to Jesus. 3) I talk to Jesus a lot. 4) I listen to Jesus. 5) I say and do what Jesus tells me to.

Cornelius was a Spirit-led man in the Bible. He was a seeker of the kingdom of God. He was someone who was hungering and thirsting for righteousness from deep within his heart. He wanted more than religion. He wanted the presence of the living God. He was living in active obedience to God as much as he knew how to. When God answered his heart’s desire and sent him an angel to instruct him, Cornelius obeyed. He was neither a pastor or a church attendee/layman. Because He was a passionate God seeker, his life helped demonstrate the reality of the risen Jesus. Be like Cornelius!

Jesus talks.
Hear Him,
Not just
A sermon
About Him!

Photo by Artem Podrez on

About Steve Simms

I like to look and think outside the box. In college I encountered Jesus Christ and I have been passionate about trying to get to know Him better ever since. My wife and I long to see the power and passion of the first Christ-followers come to life in our time. I have written a book about our experiences in non-traditional church, called, "Beyond Church: An Invitation To Experience The Lost Word Of The Bible--Ekklesia." If you need encouragement, search for: Elephants Encouraging The Room and/or check out my Amazon author page. Thank you!
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