The Typical Church Format Bores Me

Daily writing prompt
What bores you?

When church is canned
And over planned
Till it presents
God’s promised land
As dull and bland
It makes me bored.
I want to stand
And to shout out,
“Jesus is here,
Let’s all listen
To His inner voice
And make the choice
To do what He says!”

Every Christian
Is an instrument
God wants to play,
Not an audience member
To hide away.

To not do God’s Word
Is to build on sand.
The body of Christ
Is a marching band,
Not just a grandstand
For a preacher man.
Time for the kingdom
Of God is at hand.
Let God’s marching band
Now be Spirit-led
By Jesus the Head.

Church is like a bunch of silent musical instruments lined up in neat rows in a room as one man gives a talk about music theory. A marching band practices and learns to play their instruments together as one. They don’t just listen to a lecture and then think they’re done. Christians should gather to be God’s music, not to hear a religious talk about it.

Your heart’s an instrument for the Great Musician to play. If you’ll surrender it to Him, you’ll hear its glorious sounds.

Many Christians have never been trained how to let the risen Jesus play His glorious music on their heart. The body of Christ is God’s silenced orchestra and humanity desperately needs to hear it. The body of Christ isn’t silenced by persecution. It’s silenced by institutional religion.

Christians don’t need more sermons about Christ’s music. They need to learn to let Jesus play His symphony on their heart. If you keep your heart shut up in a case the Great Musician won’t be able to play it.

If you won’t let God play His music in your heart going to church won’t do you much good. Without God’s music being played within you, hearing preaching will be nothing but empty words.

Music isn’t made by lectures and Christians aren’t made by sermons. Let Jesus make His music in your heart so you can make His music with your friends.

When Christians gather, they’re all on stage. The risen Jesus wants to conduct them like an orchestra or a marching band. (1 Corinthians 14:26.) Let Christ play your emotions and make your mess His music.

Lord, make me an instrument for You to play Your music in and through me throughout the day. Let me be Your flute, blow Your Spirit through my heart. Let me be Your violin, bow Your tune on my soul. Let me be Your guitar, chord Your will in my life. Let me be Your drum, tap out Your rhythm for my daily steps. Let me be Your piano, play Your keys to my life.

To live how you want
Is to burry your head
In rebellion’s sand
And to ignore the fact
That the kingdom of God
Is closely at hand.
It matters how you act!

Photo by Pixabay on

About Steve Simms

I like to look and think outside the box. In college I encountered Jesus Christ and I have been passionate about trying to get to know Him better ever since. My wife and I long to see the power and passion of the first Christ-followers come to life in our time. I have written a book about our experiences in non-traditional church, called, "Beyond Church: An Invitation To Experience The Lost Word Of The Bible--Ekklesia." If you need encouragement, search for: Elephants Encouraging The Room and/or check out my Amazon author page. Thank you!
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