Category Archives: city of God

Firm foundations for the future city

Foundations for the future city can be found in the life of an ancient man who longed for a city built on peace and justice. Three religions look to this man for inspiration and hope. He was looking for the … Continue reading

Posted in city of God, future trends, predicting the future, understanding the future | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

If the mayor should run his city council, shouldn’t Jesus run His church (ekklesia)?

–If someone ignored the mayor and began to run and control a city council meeting as if the mayor wasn’t even there, how would the mayor feel? –When someone ignores the living, risen Jesus and begins to run and control … Continue reading

Posted in America, ancient Greek wisdom, Christian leadership, city of God, ekklesia, God's authority, Greek city-states, Greek word, honor, human authority, leadership, Middle Tennessee, Nashville, Salvation Army, Tennessee, Uncategorized, USA | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment