Category Archives: in the fullness of time

How Now Can Wow! (The Greeks Split “Time” Into Two Words.)

You can’t “put time in a bottle.” However, the Greeks did split the concept of time into two words. A few days ago I wrote a blog about the how the ancient Greeks had two words for time, but English only has one word … Continue reading

Posted in a time warp, an opportune time, as long as time endures, chronos, Greek words for time, Heinrich Suso, how to make the most of your time, how to manage your time, how to pass the time, in the fullness of time, JIT, just in time, kairos, Meister Eckhart, Nashville, Now-moment, phrases about time, the best of times, the right time, the time of your life, the worst of times, time and time again, time in a bottle, time travel | Tagged , , , , , | 4 Comments