Category Archives: purpose driven life

When you have a reason to live, joy is always in season!

Seasons of heart-felt joy are my favorite times of the year. When you have a compelling and loving reason to live, “joy unspeakable and full of glory” is always in season. Jesus is my reason to live. The more I … Continue reading

Posted in joy, joy unspeakable, meaning of life, purpose driven life | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Humanity is not just a manatee named Hugh

If someone kills a man to save a child, he is called a hero. However, nowadays, if he kills a gorilla to save a child, he’s harshly criticized. CBS News wrote: “The killing of a gorilla at the Cincinnati Zoo … Continue reading

Posted in abortion, animal rights, brainwashing, choose life, culture, culture wars, end of life, eternal life, evolution, evolution of life, human life, human rights, institutional racism, life is like, life matters, nationalism, natural selection, PETA, protest, purpose driven life, purpose of life, racism, respect for life, right to life, source of life, stop the violence, theory of evolution, Uncategorized, value of life, violence, violence epidemic, violence in society, war, wasting your life | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Stuck in a pit? Or fighting from a foxhole? “I’ll fight!”

Why be stuck in a pit when you can be fighting in a foxhole? A slight change of your perspective can make a world of difference in your life! Life’s not easy. There are always problems. I’m sure you are … Continue reading

Posted in a cause beyond yourself, as they do now, choice, fight the good fight of faith, I have a dream, Nashville, overcoming obstacles, Paul of Tarsus, purpose driven life, Tennessee, where there is no vision the people, While women weep, Your mission should you choose to accept it | Tagged , , , , , | 5 Comments

His Sheep Keep Their Baaa-lance (Balance) By Hearing His Voice –

People passing purposelessly through life have permeated our society. Perhaps we need to be penetrated with more purposeful living. Those of us who hear the voice of the living, resurrected Jesus Christ are no longer the way we were! We … Continue reading

Posted in church, hearing God, I'm His sheep and He's my shepherd, Jesus, John 10, Nashville, organic church, purpose driven life, Salvation Army, Salvation Army church, sheep, spirituality, the way we were, transformation | Tagged , , , | 8 Comments