Category Archives: sense of entitlement

The Right To Grab Some Grace (Is An Oxymoron)

In a culture that continually demands its rights, it is important to remember that there is not a right to grace.  (That’s an oxymoron.)  You can’t just grab some grace and have it your way, like a fast food burger.  … Continue reading

Posted in book of James, contemporary society, corrupt culture, culture, fast food, fast food burger, have it your way, have mercy on me a sinner, human rights, If grace is an ocean, Jesus, Jesus prayer, McKay Books, McKay Bookstore, mercy, Nashville, New Testament, on demand, Orthodox, Orthodox monks, parable, Pharisee and the publican, pride, quotation, quote, Quotes, rights, sense of entitlement, sinner, streaming, The Practice of The Presence of God | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments