Category Archives: Set a fire down in my soul

Rearranging words for heart-sight

Even with a full mind; without heart-sight we are emotionally & spiritually blind. The soul-fire that gives me light is Jesus! Christ’s body isn’t a statue. It’s an assembly line of many parts working together. What’s heard in church is mostly forgotten. … Continue reading

Posted in Beyond Church, Create in me a clean heart, ekklesia, family gathering, family togetherness, family values, from the heart, heart care, heart monitor, heart of gold, heart-felt, heart-felt love, hearts unfold like flowers, house church, human heart, I'm so glad I'm a part of the family of God, insight, light hearted, makes the heart grow fonder, Set a fire down in my soul, simple church, soul, soul food, soul goals, speaking from the heart, the door of your heart, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

“Send the fire!” Or: “Bless our programs!”

William Booth sang “Send the fire!” not “Bless our programs!” Which version best describes us in the 21st Century? “Our programs we want, for programs we plead, Bless our programs! Our programs will meet our every need, Bless our programs! … Continue reading

Posted in baptized with fire, Blood & Fire, church fire, church programming, corps programming, don't put out the Spirit's fire, fire, fire in church, fire in the heart, fire of God, fire of the Holy Spirit, get fired-up, God's fire, God's word like fire, hearts on fire, his words were like fire, I have come to bring fire on the earth, I set myself on fire, on fire for God, programming, Quotations, quote, Quotes, revival fires, Salvation Army Corps, Set a fire down in my soul, song, songwriter, spiritual fire, the Holy Spirit and fire, Uncategorized, words on fire | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Faith Hearing (Meeting To Be Taught By The Spirit)

Faith Hearing Listening to God, Releases His miracles, When Christ-followers meet, Yielded and obedient To the promptings Of the Spirit That reach beyond Rhetoric, rituals, Rallies, repetitiveness, Repertoires, and religion. (“Does He who supplies the Spirit to you and works … Continue reading

Posted in 1 Corinthians 2, ekklesia, faith healing, Galatians 3:5, hearing with faith, I want more of You God, led by the Spirit, Paul of Tarsus, Set a fire down in my soul, taught by the Spirit | Tagged , , , , , , | 2 Comments