Category Archives: universal moral principles

Guilty pleasures release the g-word in your life

When you’re behaving badly, you’re buying tickets for lots of future guilt trips. Guilty pleasures release the g-word in your life Guilt is not the source of your moral pain. Your unethical thoughts and behaviors are. Guilt is like speed bumps. … Continue reading

Posted in clear conscience, ethical decision making, how to overcome guilt, human conscience, immorality, moral character, moral choices, moral decision, moral failure, moral judgment, moral principles, moral relativism, moral restraints, moral standards, morals, overcome guilt, Uncategorized, universal moral principles, universal morality, voice of conscience, what is conscience | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Is it prudent for the passions, propensities, and perspectives of the present to push aside the pervasive moral principles and probity of the past?

Has our culture walked away from the collective wisdom of mankind? Is it prudent for the passions, propensities, and perspectives of the present to push aside the pervasive moral principles and probity of the past? What makes us think that our … Continue reading

Posted in abortion, biblical morality, faithfulness, holiness, immorality, moral principles, pro-choice, purity, right and wrong, Ten Commandments, universal moral principles, wisdom | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment