Tag Archives: intelligent design

Do you smell a skunk in evolutionary theory?

A stinky question!  Do you smell a skunk in evolutionary theory? How could time and chance create a skunk with both the ability and instinct to spray saturating stink on its foes? Something about evolutionary theory just doesn’t quite smell … Continue reading

Posted in belief, belief system, creation, creativity, evidence for God, faith, faith in God, God, interview, proof of God, quotation, Quotations, quote, skunk, smell a skunk | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Good God! We Miss The Obvious!

God’s glory is prominently posted in all parts of the physical world. Yet we ignore Him and call it evolution. God’s protection has shielded us all through many dangers, toils, and snares. Yet we ignore Him and call it luck. … Continue reading

Posted in compassion, conscience, creation, Creator, Divine creation, Divinity, DNA, God's glory, God's presence, God's protection, God's provision, God's unseen hand, God's voice, God-given, high ideals, human rights, ideals, integrity, justice, liberty, love, missing the obvious, principles, self-sacrifice, values | Tagged , , , , , , | 3 Comments

If a puppet cannot animate itself without a puppeteer — if trillions of years of time and chance cannot create a highly-intelligent, free-thinking, self-animating puppet — then how can a person exist without a Creator?

Posted in apologetics, apologists, arguments for God, belief, belief system, evolution, faith, faith-based, God, God calling, puppeteer, puppets | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments