Tag Archives: real presence

Christ’s presence outshines religion

Some people think that God only works through religion. Nothing could be further from the truth. Jesus is the Way, however, sometimes religion can block His way.   Religious programming can unintentionally crowd the presence of Christ out of church. In church … Continue reading

Posted in awe, awe of God, Bible, filled with awe, priesthood of the believer, religious ceremonies, religious tradition, revival, spiritual growth, tradition, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Unwrapping the Gift of God’s Presence

Unwrapping Presence! (Participatory church unwraps Christ’s presence.) Merry Christ*mas!

Posted in God with us, lo I am with you always, organic church, simple church, there am I in the midst of you, when two or more gather in my name | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments

Years of studying church history have shown me that during times of great spiritual awakening, church meetings are more about experiencing and obeying a Presence, than about sitting and listening to a program.

Posted in Christ, Christ in you, Christ's presence, church, church program, church programs, God's presence, great awakening, history, move of God, movement, non-church, non-liturgical, normal Christianity, open church, open forum, open mic, open mike, open sharing, participatory church, simple church, spiritual awakening, spiritual church, spiritual experience, spiritual gifts, spiritual movement, spiritual transformation, spiritual worship, spirituality, When you come together | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Perhaps church needs to demonstrate the real presence of the Higher Power (Jesus Christ) by letting ordinary people show and tell what God has done; rather than being confined to a 1-man human presentation and a handy program.

Since Jesus said; “Shout from the housetops,” perhaps we could start by allowing people the freedom to share and testify in church.

Posted in 12 step meeting, 12 steps, AA, church in decline, church programs, church services, freedom, Jesus, Jesus Christ, NA, participation in AA meetings, participatory church, participatory sermons, Quotations, Quotes, sermon, sermons, shout it from the housetops, testifying, testimonies, testimony | Tagged , , , | 3 Comments

Is church . . . An agenda or an awakening? A program or His Presence? A tradition or a transformation? A teaching or a testimony? A sermon or signs & wonders? A duty or a delight? Religion or revolution?

Church without the real presence of the living, resurrected Jesus Christ is like an unplugged blender. It looks nice, but it’s not going to produce any smoothies.

Posted in agenda, Christianity, religion, signs and wonders, tradition, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment