Tag Archives: Your cheating heart

Your cheatin’ heart will tell on you (don’t follow your heart)

  We humans continually hustle to hide the hurt and hideousness of our cheatin’ heart behind religion, self-righteousness (self-justification), and/or rebellion. We deny the scathing seriousness of our sin and the evil nature of our heart, even though the Bible … Continue reading

Posted in Amazing Grace, broken heart, brokenhearted, burning heart, cheap grace, country music, Create in me a clean heart, from the heart, grace, hard-hearted, heart is deceitful, heart is desperately wicked, heart-felt, heartbreak, heartfelt, human heart, Jeremiah, Jeremiah 17:9, love God with all your heart, next heart beat, sinful heart, speaking from the heart, the door of your heart, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , | 5 Comments