Mother Teresa Called Abortion “War Against The Child”

Mother Teresa once spoke at a Presidential Prayer Breakfast in Washington, DC.  As Vice President Al Gore was seated on one side of her and President Bill Clinton and Hillary on the other, she said this:

“I feel that the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because it is war against the child, a direct killing of the innocent child, murder by the mother herself.  By abortion the mother does not learn to love, but kills even her own child to solve her problems.  Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what they want.  This is why the greatest destroyer of love and peace is abortion.”  –Mother Teresa

Then President Clinton rose to address the group and said:  “It’s hard to argue with a life so well lived.”  (I found this story in the book, The Trouble With Jesus, by Joseph M. Stowell.)

Here’s another thought:  “Back in the womb from which I came, I did not will or desire anything, for I was pure being, a knower of myself by divine truth.” –Meister Eckhart

In America and much of the Western world, abortion is called a “right” while disagreeing with someone’s behavior is called “hate.”  Perhaps we have things backwards.


About Steve Simms

I like to look and think outside the box. In college I encountered Jesus Christ and I have been passionate about trying to get to know Him better ever since. My wife and I long to see the power and passion of the first Christ-followers come to life in our time. I have written a book about our experiences in non-traditional church, called, "Beyond Church: An Invitation To Experience The Lost Word Of The Bible--Ekklesia." If you need encouragement, search for: Elephants Encouraging The Room and/or check out my Amazon author page. Thank you!
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