Category Archives: rights

A surprising (perhaps miraculous) confirmation of nonviolence

Yesterday was Memorial Day and though out the day I thought about nonviolence and wondered why we humans glorify and celebrate the use of violence and war, generation after generation. Today I felt pompted to pick up the book, When The … Continue reading

Posted in book, colony of heaven, combat, done you wrong, for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, God's army, Heaven, Heaven's agenda, human rights, I'll fight, kingdom of heaven, Memorial Day, military, narrow way, nonviolent direct action, nonviolent resistance, on earth as it is in heaven, Quench not the Spirit, rights, Salvation Army, Sermon on the Mount, spiritual combat, spiritual warfare, spiritual weapons, stop the violence, turn the other cheek, Uncategorized, violence, violence epidemic, war | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Self-fulfillment is a fantasy (a recipe for misery)

Self-fulfillment is a fantasy. Our self-desires are never fully fulfilled. Self always seeks something more. Even when self gets what it wants and the “rights” that it demands, it immediately cries out for more. Self is continually discontented and constantly … Continue reading

Posted in Christian spirituality, crucify yourself, deny yourself, desires, flesh, flowing in the Spirit, Follow Me, Galatians, Holy Spirit, human rights, I am crucified with Christ, in the Spirit, rights, Salvation Army, self, self-denial, self-destructive behaviors, self-discipline, self-focus, self-importance, self-indulgence, self-mastery, self-regulation, self-restraint, self-sacrifice, self-surrender, self-will, self-worth, selfish desires, selfishness, spiritual formation, spirituality, take up your cross, Train yourself unto godliness., Uncategorized, works of the flesh | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

American Oxymoron, ISIS Videos, Prenatal Dismemberment

1 observation, 2 questions, and a Mother Teresa quotation: An American oxymoron:  Our society advocates both prenatal care and prenatal killing. If ISIS made and posted a video of a pro-choice, prenatal dismemberment, would that shock people enough to cause them to … Continue reading

Posted in American, injustice, insight, Iraq, ISIS video, justice, observation, peace, questioning, questions, quotation, Quotations, quote, right to choose, right to life, rights, war | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Everybody disagrees with somebody about something and a free society allows for diversity of opinions without trying to silence disagreement.

Everybody disagrees with somebody about something and a free society allows for diversity of opinions without trying to silence disagreement.

Posted in debate, disapproval, discrimination, freedom of conscience, human rights, right and wrong, rights | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments

Mother Teresa Called Abortion “War Against The Child”

Mother Teresa once spoke at a Presidential Prayer Breakfast in Washington, DC.  As Vice President Al Gore was seated on one side of her and President Bill Clinton and Hillary on the other, she said this: “I feel that the … Continue reading

Posted in Al Gore, Bill Clinton, DC, hate, hatred, Hillary Clinton, Joseph M. Stowell, Meister Eckhart, President, pro choice, pro life, prochoice, prolife, quotation, quote, Quotes, right to life, rights, Washington | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Don’t Abort The Christ Child . . .

Don’t abort the Christ Child! Let Him live in your heart this holiday season. Think how different things would be this time of year if Mary had not made the pro-life choice. Had Mary killed the Christ Child in her … Continue reading

Posted in birth of Christ, choice, choose life, Christ child, ethics, Happy Holidays, holiday, Holiday season, holidays, Jesus, Jesus Christ, life, Merry Christmas, moral decision, moral principles, moral restraints, morality, pro choice, pro life, prochoice, quotation, Quotations, quote, Quotes, Reason For The Season, right and wrong, right conduct, right from wrong, right living, right to choose, right to life, rights, unwanted children, unwanted pregnancy, values, virgin birth, virgin Mary, virginity, What you do to the least of these, you do unto Me | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

The Right To Grab Some Grace (Is An Oxymoron)

In a culture that continually demands its rights, it is important to remember that there is not a right to grace.  (That’s an oxymoron.)  You can’t just grab some grace and have it your way, like a fast food burger.  … Continue reading

Posted in book of James, contemporary society, corrupt culture, culture, fast food, fast food burger, have it your way, have mercy on me a sinner, human rights, If grace is an ocean, Jesus, Jesus prayer, McKay Books, McKay Bookstore, mercy, Nashville, New Testament, on demand, Orthodox, Orthodox monks, parable, Pharisee and the publican, pride, quotation, quote, Quotes, rights, sense of entitlement, sinner, streaming, The Practice of The Presence of God | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments

Is Patriotism Ever Inappropriate?

When does patriotism become inappropriate?  If they thought about it, most people would agree that blind patriotism, unconditional allegiance to a nation, is not wise.  For example, most people would agree that enthusiastically supporting a country led by an evil … Continue reading

Posted in civil disobedience, freedom, hatred, human life, human rights, loyality, moral decision, moral foundations, moral laws, moral principles, morality, nation state, nations, right and wrong, right conduct, right from wrong, right living, right to life, righteousness, rights, spying, torture, what you can do for your country, world religions | Tagged , , , , , , | 3 Comments

The Right To Speak Out (In Church)

Perhaps it’s time for church members (according to 1 Corinthians 14:26) to revive their right to speak out in church services.

Posted in church format, church meetings, church programs, church services, non-church, non-liturgical, non-traditional church, nonconforming, open church, open mike, order of worship, organic church, participants, participators, participatory church, religious ceremonies, rights, share, sharing, simple church, simplicity, speaking, speaking out, speech making, testimonies, testimony | Tagged , , , , | 4 Comments

Definition: “Fetal Position”

A definition — “being in a fetal position” Completely vulnerable; unprotected; having no human rights; legally unrecognized; having no legal personhood; disposable; having your life depend on another person’s “choice;” worthless in the opinion of many people. Check out some … Continue reading

Posted in belief, belief system, discrimination, fetus, human rights, injustice, legal rights, life, politics and religion, prejudice, prenatal, prenatal medicine, rights, slogans, womb | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment