Fitness, training, exercise, & working out?

Sports training testifies to what dedicated workouts do. Perhaps Christians should meet for dedicated spiritual workouts. Love life; keep spiritually fit!

Bodybuilding is good. Soul building is better! You need the reps! Don’t settle for just praying once in a while! Keep on praying!

It’s good to be physically “fit for life.” It’s even better to be spiritually “fit for life.” To get spiritually fit, bit by bit; don’t quit & sit — get up and work out with the risen Jesus. Commit to be spiritually fit!

A strong body that contains a flabby soul is not true “fitness.” Even if you don’t mind the flab, the state of your soul still matters!

The current home of your soul (called body) will die. Where will your soul go then?

Obey Jesus today! Tomorrow can morph into months, years, even decades.

Without spiritual hustle, you won’t develop spiritual muscle. (“Seek first the Kingdom of God.” –Jesus in Matthew 6:33) Christian cardio: lets come together, get off our seats, & exercise our hearts with one another!

Let’s meet for a spiritual workout and let the risen Jesus be our fitness coach. Sitting & hearing speeches about spiritual fitness won’t make you strong, but spiritually working out
with others, will.

Participating in Spirit-led, open sharing, transforms your confidence in the risen Christ, & empowers you to transform your life. Perhaps being sedentary in church encourages us to be sedentary in life.

If church moves beyond formalism & lets people share form the heart as prompted by the Spirit, divisions will melt in God’s love! Millions of sermons haven’t healed racism, but I’ve seen awareness of race melt away as people share as equals in Jesus’ ekklesia.

The Pharisees in the Bible were people who tried to fake spiritual fitness. (It didn’t work.)

An exercise show (like church) is nice to watch, but it works much better if you get up & actually do the exercises. What would happen if we let church be a gym class led by Coach Jesus?

What makes you depressed? Think, hear, say, watch, read, & do less of that.

What gives you peace? Think, hear, say, watch, read, & do more of that.

What makes you a better person? Think, hear, say, watch, read, & do more of that.

When light shines, darkness automatically declines. Shine with Jesus’ presence. Has the awe-filled, heart-rending, overwhelming, soul-stirring, tear-releasing presence of Jesus been eclipsed in your life?

If church doesn’t challenge you & create opportunities for you to come out of your comfort zone, it won’t change you. This simple process gets amazing results: Gather with believers; all listen to Jesus; all share (and/or do) what He says.

There is so much beauty in the family of God. We just need to open up and let one another see Christ alive in us. If Christians met to practice sharing our faith with one another, we’d become much better at sharing our faith with unbelievers.

Political agreement’s not all it’s cracked up to be. However, kindness & compassion are worth far more than we think they are!

About Steve Simms

I like to look and think outside the box. In college I encountered Jesus Christ and I have been passionate about trying to get to know Him better ever since. My wife and I long to see the power and passion of the first Christ-followers come to life in our time. I have written a book about our experiences in non-traditional church, called, "Beyond Church: An Invitation To Experience The Lost Word Of The Bible--Ekklesia." If you need encouragement, search for: Elephants Encouraging The Room and/or check out my Amazon author page. Thank you!
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