It’s much easier to hear God than to obey Him!

When you can’t figure everything out, perhaps all you need to do is to notice and follow the inner guidance of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit can direct you in miraculous ways if you pay attention to and obey His gentle nudgings.

As human beings, we have a much greater problem obeying God, than we have knowing what He wants us to do. For example, it’s easy to notice a prompting from the Holy Spirit, but suppress the impulse. That’s why the Bible says: “Quench not the Spirit.” Too often we let our loyalties, feelings, or opinions override what God is telling us to do.

Has God told you to do something that you’ve not done? Go back and do that; and soon you will become aware of His next step for you.

Go beyond hearing about Jesus. Instead, hear directly from Jesus and then say and/or do what He tells you.

Being led by the Spirit is not automatic. However, if we take small steps in obedience to the Spirit’s inner promptings, our confidence in Him grows and we can gradually learn to listen to and obey Him through out the day.

Jesus wants all His followers to be one — not in organizational or denominational unity; but in heartfelt love and community. All who have the risen Jesus living in them are my sisters and brothers in Christ.

Sometimes it’s helpful to ask; “How does God, with His eternal perspective and love for the whole world, see this?” The New Testament is powerful if you do two things with it: 1) Read it with an open heart; and 2) Do the stuff it teaches. I read the Bible with my eyes on the pages, my mind on the words, and my heart open to the Spirit.

The Bible is more than an ancient document. The main character is alive & still working to change people’s lives! Studying the Bible can only take us so far. We need to get to know the Author and then do the stuff He teaches.

The Bible is like the tide-maker; that giant, floating ball that makes the oceans rise and fall. It brightly reflects the Son in the middle of the world’s darkness.  To ignore the Bible is to close your heart to amazing inspiration and light.

Gracebook (the Bible) shows me the great price that Jesus paid to take the punishment for my sin and free me from its power. O, the wonder of it all!

Many people feel alone in a crowd. I feel accompanied when I’m alone. (Jesus is incredible!)

Let go & hold on! Let go of destructive thoughts, words, & actions; & hold on to the risen Jesus. Anybody can be opinionated, but it takes great strength & courage to be kind to those who disagree with you.

Remember the old Gospel song “Old Time Religion” that said: “Makes me love everybody?” What happened?

Profanity is perhaps the most pervasive pattern of hate speech. (It’s plainly not polite or pleasant.)

Some anonymous people discovered the New Testament idea of ekklesia and turned it into support groups. (AA, NA, Al-Anon, etc.) Yet, we all need God’s ekklesia support group.

About Steve Simms

I like to look and think outside the box. In college I encountered Jesus Christ and I have been passionate about trying to get to know Him better ever since. My wife and I long to see the power and passion of the first Christ-followers come to life in our time. I have written a book about our experiences in non-traditional church, called, "Beyond Church: An Invitation To Experience The Lost Word Of The Bible--Ekklesia." If you need encouragement, search for: Elephants Encouraging The Room and/or check out my Amazon author page. Thank you!
This entry was posted in as many as are led by the Spirit, Be filled with the Spirit, filled with the Spirit, flow of the Spirit, hearing the Spirit, Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit teaches, How to be led by the Spirit, in step with the Spirit, in the Spirit, leading of the Spirit, listening to the Spirit, ministry of the Spirit, Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

1 Response to It’s much easier to hear God than to obey Him!

  1. Jon says:

    From what I can tell, these are true words from the True Word.

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