Category Archives: in step with the Spirit

The first two people chose to ignore God’s initiative.

In the Bible the first two people choose human analysis and their own initiative instead of trust in and obedience to God. Not much has changed. Unless we begin to notice and follow the initiatives of God’s Spirit we may … Continue reading

Posted in Adam and Eve, in step with the Spirit, led by the Spirit, paradise | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Jesus was glorified by interruptions!

Many of Jesus’ teachings, healings, and miracles were in response to interruptions. Perhaps by shutting down interruptions churches shut down Jesus. Roof altering (miracle manifesting) interruptions? (See Luke 5:17-26.) History shows that an eruption of revival and spiritual awakening will … Continue reading

Posted in demonstration of the Spirit, don't grieve the Spirit, in step with the Spirit, interrupting a sermon, interrupting in church, leading of the Spirit, ministry of the Spirit, Spirit-led, Spirit-led church | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

It’s much easier to hear God than to obey Him!

When you can’t figure everything out, perhaps all you need to do is to notice and follow the inner guidance of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit can direct you in miraculous ways if you pay attention to and obey His gentle … Continue reading

Posted in as many as are led by the Spirit, Be filled with the Spirit, filled with the Spirit, flow of the Spirit, hearing the Spirit, Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit teaches, How to be led by the Spirit, in step with the Spirit, in the Spirit, leading of the Spirit, listening to the Spirit, ministry of the Spirit, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

Going (gone) with the wind of the Spirit . . .

A church cannot program the Holy Spirit. So why do we try? Why do we try to direct the Holy Spirit when we gather for worship, rather than humbly allowing the Spirit to direct us? The Spirit is free like … Continue reading

Posted in A.W. Tozer, Acts 2, as many as are led by the Spirit, Be filled with the Spirit, C.T. Studd, coming of the Holy Spirit, demonstration of the Spirit, discerning of spirits, don't put out the Spirit's fire, filled with the Spirit, fire of the Holy Spirit, flow of the Spirit, flowing in the Spirit, flowing of the Holy Spirit, gifts of the Spirit, Gone With The Wind, hearing the Spirit, Holy Spirit promptings, Holy Spirit teaches, How to be led by the Spirit, how to flow in the spirit, how to grow spiritually, I will pour out my Spirit, in step with the Spirit, in the Spirit, led by the Spirit, Madame Guyon, mighty rushing wind, Samuel Chadwick, Second chapter of Acts, the wind blows where it will, Uncategorized, Watchman Nee, wind of the Spirit | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

“The Award For The Best Leading Actor Goes To . . .”

The leading actor plays the largest role in a film, TV show, or play. In the New Testament, the Holy Spirit is the Leading Actor. He gets the Oscar! So why do we confine such an amazing Leading Actor as the … Continue reading

Posted in 1 Corinthians 2:4, actors, Acts 10:19, Acts 11:12, Acts 13:2, Acts 8:29, Barnabas, Bible, demonstration of the Spirit, dramatic production, Galatians 5:25, Go to that chariot, Holy Ghost movie, in step with the Spirit, led by the Spirit, New Testament, Paul, Peter, Philip, Romans 8:14, Set apart for me, the Spirit said | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment