
Daily writing prompt
What is one word that describes you?

I am forgiven even though my pride used to tell me that I didn’t need forgiveness. I thought I was a good person, better than most people. The church that I attended when I was a teenager used to have a time of silent prayer for forgiveness and most of the time, I couldn’t think of anything I needed to be forgiven for.

Then one day I encountered the risen Jesus and His light began to shine more and more in my heart as I eagerly read the Bible for hours each day. I was shocked at the wickedness I began to see in my own heart as I read: “There is none righteous, no not one,” and “All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” I began to agree with Paul, the writer of much of the New Testament, who said: “O wretched man that I am,” and “I am the chief of sinners.” I realized that though outwardly I had tried to obey human laws and my conscience, inwardly I was a mess full of wickedness and like the prostitute who wept at Jesus’ feet, I had been forgiven much — more than I could have imagined possible.

Though completely unworthy of Christ’s love and deserving to be forever separated from God’s presence, God has forgiven me, cleansed me, and embraced me as His friend. Many years later I still rely on Christ’s death on the Cross and not on my own worthiness. I still say: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, have mercy on me a sinner,” and rejoice in amazement that I am forgiven!

I love Galatians 2:20 that says: “I am crucified with Christ.” To “be crucified with Christ” is to “live by faith in the Son of God.” It is to rely every moment on the inner presence of the risen Jesus. It is a shift from relying on my own efforts (or imagined goodness) to living by staying continually aware of and obedient to the presence of Christ living in me even though I could never earn or deserve His love.

Are you forgiven? You can be. And you can daily experience the reality and the activity of the Spirit of Jesus Christ living and working within and through you.

Mental drift
Will sweep you
Off a cliff
And make you think
You don’t need to
Be forgiven.
Make a shift.
Let Jesus lift
Your heart to Him
And heal the rift
You have with God.
Embrace His gift
Of “Christ in you.”

Photo by Brett Jordan on

About Steve Simms

I like to look and think outside the box. In college I encountered Jesus Christ and I have been passionate about trying to get to know Him better ever since. My wife and I long to see the power and passion of the first Christ-followers come to life in our time. I have written a book about our experiences in non-traditional church, called, "Beyond Church: An Invitation To Experience The Lost Word Of The Bible--Ekklesia." If you need encouragement, search for: Elephants Encouraging The Room and/or check out my Amazon author page. Thank you!
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