Category Archives: keys to power

Is it time to cut the religious parachute?

By making Christianity a formality, we took the power out of it. (2 Timothy 3:5) Shallow Christianity is like shallow breathing–minimal breath’s not enough! Jesus makes ordinary moments extraordinary & turns everyday people into emissaries! No need to be stuck who … Continue reading

Posted in denying the power, God's power, having a form of godliness but denying the power, insight, keys to power, power, power of God, prophetic insight, Release the power of Jesus, resurrection power, sacred and secular, secularists, spiritual formation, spiritual insight, spiritual power, spirituality, trust, trust in God, Uncategorized, Unlimited Power | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

9 ways to recognize powerless religion

The Bible in 2 Timothy 3:5 tells Christ-followers to turn away from powerless religion. But how do we recognize it? Here are 8 ways: 1) Nothing out of the ordinary happens in the meetings. 2) Many of those who attend … Continue reading

Posted in Bible verses, bored in church, church programming, denying the power, God's power, having a form of godliness but denying the power, keys to power, organic chruch, organized religion, power of God, Quench not the Spirit, Uncategorized, wonder working power, You shall receive power | Tagged , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Some Keys To Releasing God’s Power (From Acts Chapter Two)

Here are some keys to releasing God’s power from Acts 2: 1) Going along with God’s plan to use all believers, not just special ones like the apostles.  At the end of Acts 1, the believers pick one disciple to … Continue reading

Posted in Acts, Acts of the Apostles, Bible, Bible quotes, Bible study, biblical Christianity, Biblical principles, book of Acts, captured by the Spirit, Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit flow, Holy Spirit promptings, Holy Spirit take over, keys to power, presence of God, speaking in tongues, speaking out, speaking up, tongues, tongues of fire, witness, witness of the Spirit, witnesses, witnessing | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment