Category Archives: make straight paths

All lifestyles are not equal. (Is yours working?)

All lifestyles are not equal: –America teaches that there are a vast diversity of lifestyles, however, Christianity teaches that there are only two basic lifestyles. We can live our life following and obeying our thoughts, feelings, opinions, and desires. Or … Continue reading

Posted in alternative lifestyle, America, casting your vote, choice of lifestyle, faith in politics, flesh, fruit of the Spirit, God's government, government, human nature, kingdom of God, lifestyle Christianity, Make America safe again, make straight paths, political choice, political correctness, political dysfunction, political environment, political positions, political views, politics and religion, power of choice, presidential campaign, presidential election, Presidential politics, prochoice, religion, spirituality, straight is the gate and narrow the way, Uncategorized, works of the flesh | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Bold (Transformational) Words From John The Baptist

John, God’s greatest prophet, led the way for the living Jesus Christ by telling groups of people to:  “Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for Him.” Perhaps the 21st Century church could obey John and make room … Continue reading

Posted in 21st Century, Behold the Lamb of God, Bible, biblical, Christ, every mountain made low, Every valley shall be filled in, Father Abraham, forerunner, greatest prophet, He must increase, heirarchy, Holy Spirit, house church, I must decrease, Jesus, Jesus Christ, make straight paths, New International Version, New Testament, New Testament quote, organic church, out of stones God can raise up children of Abraham, Prepare the way of the Lord, quotation, Quotations, quote, religious tradition, simple church, sins, spirit, takes away the sins of the world, the ax is at the root of the trees | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment