Category Archives: I must decrease

Is the Asbury “revival” a modern John the Baptist?

Like John the Baptist, Asbury University is pointing people to the risen Jesus and allowing Him to be the living Leader and people are coming from around the world to experience Him! They’re letting Jesus work outside the traditional church … Continue reading

Posted in Asbury revival 2023, He must increase, I must decrease, John the Baptist, prophetic, prophetic insight, revival | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The more I lower myself the more God’s power flows

The more I discernThe glory of the LordThe less my self-concernAnd the more I learnTo trust Him. The more I denyMyselfTo followJesusThe more ILearn to relyOn Him daily. The moreI lowerMyself,The moreGod’s powerCan flow. The more I hungerTo know God … Continue reading

Posted in Christian poetry, church poems, He must increase, I must decrease, poem, poetry, religious poetry, surrender, surrender to God | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Another day; another miracle

Multitudes of miracles have gone unnoticed in your life. Ask Jesus to tell you about some of the miracles you’ve overlooked. I continually see Jesus do things that drastically defy the odds of probability! When things that overwhelmingly defy probability begin to … Continue reading

Posted in comfort zone, faith, faith healing, God's voice, He must increase, hearing God's voice, how to experience a miracle, I must decrease, It's Supernatural, miracle workers, personal testimonies, rationalism, supernatural, surrender, surrender to God, testimonies, Uncategorized, walking on water | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

True worship: open hearts & radical honesty

–Wanted: “True Worshipers”– God is looking for open hearts and radical honesty. Now is the time to go beyond outward form and religious pretense — no pretending, no hiding! It’s time for heart-felt reality. “The hour comes, and now is, … Continue reading

Posted in Christ, Christ's presence, Christian living, Christian spirituality, He must increase, I must decrease, John 10, John 4:23, John the Baptist, pride, self-promotion, sheep, straight is the gate and narrow the way, that I might know Him and the power of His resurrection, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

How many heads does the body of Christ have?

How many heads does the body of Christ (the church) have? While praying I had a vision in my mind’s eye. I saw Christ standing facing me. However, His head was hanging off to His side. In place of His … Continue reading

Posted in catacombs, CEOs, clericalism, dreams and visions, Easter, I must decrease, John the Baptist, kingdom of God, organic church, visions from God | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments

Training Ordinary Christians 2 Do Ministry! (A Pastor’s Job)

Perhaps a pastor/minister’s job is not to focus people’s attention on himself, on his plans, or on his performance; but instead to focus people’s attention on the living, resurrected Jesus Christ. –John the Baptist put it this way: “He (Jesus) … Continue reading

Posted in apostles, Berry Street, body of Christ, discipleship, evangelists, He must increase, I must decrease, John 3:30, John the Baptist, pastoring, pastors, Paul of Tarsus, prophets, Salvation Army, shepherding, teachers, work of the ministry | Tagged , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Bold (Transformational) Words From John The Baptist

John, God’s greatest prophet, led the way for the living Jesus Christ by telling groups of people to:  “Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for Him.” Perhaps the 21st Century church could obey John and make room … Continue reading

Posted in 21st Century, Behold the Lamb of God, Bible, biblical, Christ, every mountain made low, Every valley shall be filled in, Father Abraham, forerunner, greatest prophet, He must increase, heirarchy, Holy Spirit, house church, I must decrease, Jesus, Jesus Christ, make straight paths, New International Version, New Testament, New Testament quote, organic church, out of stones God can raise up children of Abraham, Prepare the way of the Lord, quotation, Quotations, quote, religious tradition, simple church, sins, spirit, takes away the sins of the world, the ax is at the root of the trees | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

One-man sermons & the John the Baptist leadership principle

One-word sentences/One-man sermons. Limiting conversation to one-word sentences quenches communication. Example: Person A) Hello.  Person B) Hi.  A) Going?  B) Yes. A)  When?  B) Now.  A) Where?  B) There.   A) How?  B) Walking.  A) Good.  B) Thanks.  A) Bye.  … Continue reading

Posted in automatic, Bible, communication, control, conversation, He must increase, Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit promptings, I must decrease, John the Baptist, leaders, leadership, led by the Spirit, one word, one-word dialogue, pride, principle, Quench not the Spirit, quench the Spirit, Quotations, Quotes, sermon, sermons, spirit, Spirit-filled, Spirit-led | Tagged , , , , | 3 Comments