Category Archives: the right to

Is it wise to expand the “right” to kill?

I’m so sad to see some states expanding “the right to kill.” –America continues to legally chop away at the commandment “You shall not kill,” calling prenatal killing “choice” and physician assisted killing “compassion,” thus cheapening the value of human … Continue reading

Posted in anti-abortion, Bianca Jagger, choice, deny yourself, ethics, intolerance, moral choices, morality, prochoice, prolife, right and wrong, right to choose, right to disagree, right to life, the right to, Thou shall not, tolerance, Uncategorized, value of life | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment

It’s Your Right!

It’s Your Right! You have the right . . . To daily follow and obey The living, resurrected Jesus Christ! Don’t allow anyone To rob you Of that Right! A Rap ‘Bout Rights (Who has rights?)

Posted in basic rights, Bill of Rights, Civil Rights, freedom of speech, God given rights, human rights violations, religious rights, right of expression, the right to | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment