Category Archives: those who mourn

Miraculous grief comfort in a Christ-led support group

God supernaturally used The Salvation Army Berry Street (a Christ-led support group or ekklesia) to comfort me as my dad was dying on Sunday, November 20, this year. Here’s how it happened. Our worship leader asked if anyone would like … Continue reading

Posted in Berry Street, Christian support group, comfort for grief, ekklesia, funeral, funerals, group therapy, healing, healing life's hurts, inner healing, miraculous, mourning, Salvation Army, Salvation Army Berry Street, self-help group, spiritual healing, support group, support groups, those who mourn, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Should Church Comfort Or Confront?

Should church meetings comfort or confront?  Perhaps both.  Maybe church should “comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.” However the goal of a church meeting is not primarily to make people comfortable or to be user friendly.  The goal of … Continue reading

Posted in afflict the comfortable, American church, Berry Street, Berry Street Worship Center, blessed, brokenness, Christ, Christ-centered, Christian, Christian community, Christian history, Christian values, church, church history, church meetings, church programs, church roles, church structure, comfort, conviction, conviction of sin, cross, deny yourself, godly sorrow, hearing God, Isaiah, Jesus, Jesus Christ, kingdom of God, lifestyle Christianity, move of God, mysticism, Nashville, organic church, participatory church, Paul of Tarsus, purpose, repent, repentance, revival, revolution, salvation, self-denial, show and tell, simple church, spiritual awakening, spiritual combat, spiritual warfare, The Salvation Army, those who mourn, uncomfortable, unprogrammed church, user friendly, voice of God, Woe is me | Tagged , , , , , | 14 Comments