Category Archives: Uncle Tom’s Cabin

12 Years A Slave — 12 Blogs On Slavery

The movie 12 Years a Slave (directed by Steve McQueen) is an adaptation of the 1853 autobiography Twelve Years a Slave by Solomon Northup.  Solomon was a free black man who was  in sold into slavery in 1841 and forced to … Continue reading

Posted in abolitionism, abolitionist movement, abolitionist newspapers, abolitionists, blog, Civil War, Frederick Douglas, free blacks, freedmen, freedom fighters, movie, movie review, movies, runaway slaves, slave owners, slaves, Sojourner Truth, Steve McQueen, The Abolitionists, The Emancipator, Uncle Tom's Cabin, William Lloyd Garrison | Tagged , , , , | 6 Comments

Top Ten Greatest Books

What are the world’s 10 greatest books?  Here are the top 10 books that have had the most impact on my life: 1)  The Bible:  I’ve read it almost daily for 42 years.  There have been times that I have … Continue reading

Posted in American, American history, American Literature, Bible, Black Like Me, books, British Literature, C.S. Lewis, China, Chinese, Christian, Christian values, Christianity, fire walk, Harriet Beecher Stowe, hate, hate speech, hot coals, Jim Crow, John Howard Griffin, literature, London, Mere Christianity, monks, New Testament, Orthodox, Philokalia, positive thinking, Quotations, quote, Quotes, racism, Russian literature, Samuel Smiles, slavery, The Jesus Prayer, The Normal Christian Life, The Spiritual Man, the way of the pilgrim, Uncle Tom's Cabin, Unlimited Power, Watchman Nee, William Lloyd Garrison, world's greatest | Tagged , , , , , , | 11 Comments