Tag Archives: Amazing Grace movie

The Wilberforce Force — Undying Passion To Make A Difference For Righetousness

Yesterday I watched a movie about William Wilberforce, the man who in the early 1800 spent many years trying to get a bill to end the slave trade through the British Parliament.  The force of Wilberforce’s example and lifestyle moved … Continue reading

Posted in abolishing the slave trade, abolitionism, abolitionist movement, abolitionists, advocate, agitator, alternative lifestyle, altruism, Amazing Grace, Atlantic slave trade, biography, British history, British Parliament, burning desire, burning heart, calling, causes, changing society, charity, Christendom, Christian, Christianity, compassion, crusader, do gooders, England, English, facebook, Facebook-style, giving, history, Making a difference, may the force be with you, middle passage, moral, moral failure, moral foundations, moral laws, moral principles, moral reformer, morality, movement, movie, movie review, MP, passion, passionate, philanthropy, purpose driven, purpose of life, Quotations, quote, Quotes, racial reconciliation, radical, radical Christianity, radical obedience, Real Christianity, reason for living, reformer, search for significance, searching for significance, serving others, slave trade, slavery, slaves, social justice, social media, social reformer, societal, transformation movements, volunteerism, volunteers | Tagged , , , , , , , | 4 Comments