Category Archives: moral

Too many labels & attempts at identity

Last week I met a stranger named Person and someone gave me a bottle of water simply labeled H2O. Perhaps we over label people! Then I read where someone had posted: “The Bible calls us to leave behind all the … Continue reading

Posted in biblical morality, ethics, immorality, labels, moral, moral character, moral choices, moral relativism | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

When a culture continually casts God’s commandments into denial river, it causes confusion, conflict, and eventual collapse.

Posted in commandments, commands, conflict, confusion, cultural taboos, culture, deceipt, deception, ethics, God's commandments, judging, judgment, judgments, laws, moral, moral failure, moral failures, moral foundations, moral laws, moral principles, moral restraints, morality, morals, right and wrong, right conduct, right from wrong, right living, values | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Lights of the Round Table / Spirit-Prompted Church Meetings

King Arthur’s Knights of the Round Table reveal a biblical way of holding church meetings. 1)  The knights set at a round table so that no one, not even the king, could be at the head of the table and … Continue reading

Posted in Camelot, Christ, church format, church leadership, church meetings, church roles, church services, church structure, Code of Chivalry, equality, Head, Head of the church, hiearchy, Jesus, Jesus Christ, King Arthur, knighthood, knights, Matthew 20, moral, moral foundations, moral judgment, moral laws, moral leaders, moral principles, moral reformer, moral restraints, morality, organic church, Round Table, simple church, values | Tagged , , , , | 4 Comments

Judgement, Guilt, Sorrow, Mercy, Forgiveness

Where there is no judgment; There is no mercy. Where there is no guilt; There is no grace. If you haven’t been judged guilty, There is no forgiveness. Where there is no threat of punishment, there is no justice. Where … Continue reading

Posted in discipling, ethics, mercy, moral, moral failure, moral failures, moral foundations, moral judgment, moral laws, moral leaders, moral principles, moral restraints, morality, morality-phobic, repent, repentance, right and wrong, right conduct, right from wrong, right living, righteousness, salvation, self-destruction, self-respect, self-restraint, self-will, selfish desires, selfishness, sin, sinner, sinning, sins, sorrow, spiritual awakening, spiritual formation, spiritual healing, spiritual life | Tagged , , , , , , , | 8 Comments

Are We Good People Or Bad People?

Most people think that there are bad people in the world, but almost nobody thinks that they are a bad person.  However, people who are genuinely close to God, are the exceptions.  They seem to readily admit that they are … Continue reading

Posted in a wretch like me, Amazing Grace, author, bad person, Baghdad, chief of sinners, Christian, Christianity, ethics, evil, forgiveness, good person, Isaiah, John Newton, Katrina, law enforcement, laws, looting, moral, moral failure, moral failures, moral foundations, moral laws, moral leaders, moral principles, moral reformer, moral restraints, morality, New Orleans, Old Testament, quote, Quotes, relevation, religion, Russian literature, salvation, sin, unclean lips, wretched man that I am | Tagged , , , , , | 13 Comments

A Rap ‘Bout Rights (Who Has Rights?)

Who has “rights”?  People like to talk and rap about rights but what are rights? What is the foundation of the concept of human rights? It’s God. If humans are nothing but randomly produced, living machines; then Darwin was correct … Continue reading

Posted in African Americans, America, American history, blacks, Charles Darwin, dog eat dog, freedom, God-given, might makes right, moral, moral failure, moral foundations, moral restraints, Native Americans, pre-natal, rap, religion, right and wrong, right living, right to choose, right to life, rights, survival of the fittest, world religions | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Good Friday’s Not For Good People

Good people don’t need a Good Friday Savior. They’re okay on their own. Bad people need a Good Friday Savior. “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, have mercy on me a sinner.” If nothing is morally wrong, if … Continue reading

Posted in Christ, Christianity, cross, crucifixion, deliverance, die to self, forgiveness, freedom, God, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Jesus prayer, Jesus rose, living, mercy, moral, moral failure, moral failures, moral foundations, moral principles, moral restraints, morality, repent, repentance, salvation, Savior, sin, sinner, sins | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Wilberforce Force — Undying Passion To Make A Difference For Righetousness

Yesterday I watched a movie about William Wilberforce, the man who in the early 1800 spent many years trying to get a bill to end the slave trade through the British Parliament.  The force of Wilberforce’s example and lifestyle moved … Continue reading

Posted in abolishing the slave trade, abolitionism, abolitionist movement, abolitionists, advocate, agitator, alternative lifestyle, altruism, Amazing Grace, Atlantic slave trade, biography, British history, British Parliament, burning desire, burning heart, calling, causes, changing society, charity, Christendom, Christian, Christianity, compassion, crusader, do gooders, England, English, facebook, Facebook-style, giving, history, Making a difference, may the force be with you, middle passage, moral, moral failure, moral foundations, moral laws, moral principles, moral reformer, morality, movement, movie, movie review, MP, passion, passionate, philanthropy, purpose driven, purpose of life, Quotations, quote, Quotes, racial reconciliation, radical, radical Christianity, radical obedience, Real Christianity, reason for living, reformer, search for significance, searching for significance, serving others, slave trade, slavery, slaves, social justice, social media, social reformer, societal, transformation movements, volunteerism, volunteers | Tagged , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Lightning Power Released When The Pope Resigned

The Pope resigned and a few hours later lightning struck St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. Moral of the story? When we move beyond religious tradition and obey the prompting of the Spirit in our heart, great power is released!

Posted in Catholic, Catholic mystics, lightening, meaning, message, moral, moral of the story, power, powerful, powerhouse, prompted by the Spirit, prompting of the Spirit, radical obedience, Roman, Roman Catholic, Rome, St. Peter's Basilica | Tagged , , , , | 3 Comments