Tag Archives: handbell choir

Twitter lets anybody tweet. Could church do that?

Somehow the New Testament concept of the priesthood of all believers was turned into a religious audience of passive receivers. However, when a preacher does all the church talking, he is eventually surrounded by people who have nothing to say. … Continue reading

Posted in cost of discipleship, demonstration of the Spirit, disciple making, disciples, discipleship, ekklesia, God demonstrations, how to be a disciple, inner Light, make church ekklesia again, making disciples, simplicity, spiritual darkness, spiritual discernment, Uncategorized, who can preach | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Could Church Services Be Like A Handbell Choir?

Have you ever seen a group of people play a tune with handbells? Each person holds two bells and all the bells play different notes. As a director leads them, each person plays one of his bells at the proper … Continue reading

Posted in Christian community, Christianity, church leader, church leadership, church meetings, church program, church programs, church services, encountering God, experiencing God, participants, participators, participatory church, religious innovation, spiritual transformation | Tagged , , , , , , | 4 Comments