Category Archives: Heaven’s agenda

A surprising (perhaps miraculous) confirmation of nonviolence

Yesterday was Memorial Day and though out the day I thought about nonviolence and wondered why we humans glorify and celebrate the use of violence and war, generation after generation. Today I felt pompted to pick up the book, When The … Continue reading

Posted in book, colony of heaven, combat, done you wrong, for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, God's army, Heaven, Heaven's agenda, human rights, I'll fight, kingdom of heaven, Memorial Day, military, narrow way, nonviolent direct action, nonviolent resistance, on earth as it is in heaven, Quench not the Spirit, rights, Salvation Army, Sermon on the Mount, spiritual combat, spiritual warfare, spiritual weapons, stop the violence, turn the other cheek, Uncategorized, violence, violence epidemic, war | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Why I Want To Quench The Spirit

I want to quench the Spirit (even though the Bible says “quench not the Spirit“) because: 1)  The Spirit tells me to do inconvenient things that I don’t want to do and/or that are out of my comfort zone.  (For … Continue reading

Posted in Christian values, commandments, ethics, faith-based, filled with the Spirit, flow of the Spirit, flowing of the Holy Spirit, forgiveness, hearing God, hearing the Holy Spirit, Heaven's agenda, Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit promptings, lifestyles, listening, listening to God, listening to the Spirit, meaning, moral principles, moral restraints, morality, obedience, pray for your enemy, prayer, praying, praying in the Spirit, Quench not the Spirit, quench the Spirit, quenching the Spirit, sins, Spirit-filled, Spirit-led, Spirit-prompted, spiritual, spiritual warfare, spirituality | Tagged , , , , , , | 14 Comments

God streams in silent souls . . . (God’s Not Dead!)

In simple silence you can sense God streaming in your soul.  Silence uncovers His voice.  God’s not dead!  He’s ever active in your heart.  Listen! When you have a hurt-attack, call on the Great Physician–the living, resurrected Jesus Christ. God … Continue reading

Posted in God's presence, God's voice, hearing God, hearing the Holy Spirit, Heaven, Heaven's agenda, Heaven's door, movie, movie review, on earth as it is in heaven, the Lord's Prayer, Thy will be done, trailer | Tagged , , , , | 3 Comments