Category Archives: hellfire

Crazy Bible Stuff Tackles Hell!

People talk about hell a lot — about it freezing over or splitting wide open or being on wheels or giving it to people. They even use it as a popular cuss word. Then people inconsistently say that they don’t … Continue reading

Posted in cussing, eternal separation from God, He will save His people from their sins, Heaven, hell on wheels, hellfire, moral judgment, overcoming sin, the gates of hell, till hell freezes over, Uncategorized, video, wages of sin, YouTube | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Trying To Understand Hell

Popular writer, Rob Bell, wrote a book called Love Wins where he gives his views about Hell.  I’ve not read Rob’s book, but here are my views of Hell uninfluenced by Mr. Bell. I believe that Hell is a spiritual … Continue reading

Posted in Americans, answer to God, Baghdad, Bible, biblical, Biblical concept, books, choice, Christian, Christian values, conscience, deterrent, eternal life, evil entities, evil spirits, fear, fire, fire insurance, God, God calling, God's authority, God's government, harmful habit, harmful thinking, hate, Heaven, hell on wheels, hellfire, How Evil Works, judge, judgment, judgments, justice, Katrina, looting, missional, moral failures, moral principles, moral restraints, morality, morality-phobic, morals, mystery, New Orleans, omnipresent, Quantum physics, self-destruction, self-focus, self-inflicted, selfish desires, sin, soul, spiritual, suffering, unhappiness, views, voice of God | Tagged , , , , , , | 5 Comments