Category Archives: idolatry

Stuck In The Muck Of Modern Media?

Are you stuck in the muck of modern media, Filling your brain with the profane; Your mind with the unkind? That’s why viewer discretion is advised . . .

Posted in adult language, adultery, anger, angst, casual sex, corrupt culture, disdain, dishonesty, drunk, fear, guilt, habit, harmful habit, harmful thinking, idolatry, injury, lies, materialism, meaninglessness, mind, misery, modern myths, morality, morals, myths, popular culture, pride, reality TV, resentment, self-destruction, self-will, sex, TV, unforgiveness, unhappiness, values | Tagged , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Where Is Evil? In Bad People Or In Me?

When terribly evil acts are committed like a gunman randomly shooting strangers, most everybody is deeply saddened.  We are shocked and awakened to once again realize that there is real evil in the world.  And sometimes we think about it … Continue reading

Posted in atrocities, Baghdad, boundaries, Christ, Christian, compliance, conscience, corrupt culture, cravings, cruel, cultural taboos, destructive actions, freedom, harmful thinking, hate speech, human nature, idolatry, judgment, Katrina, magnet, meaning, meaninglessness, moral principles, moral restraints, morality, morals, motivation, Paul of Tarsus, persuasion of media, political correctness, popular culture, pride, pull of evil, punishment, Quotations, quote, Quotes, repent, repentance, salvation, saved, Savior, seduction, sets the captives free, spiritual combat, spiritual warfare, temptation, thoughts, Uncategorized, values, victims, wrestling | Tagged , , , | 14 Comments

Top Of The Pole — Nation’s Flag Or Christian Flag?

Many Christian organizations, institutions, and churches fly both a Christian flag and their nation’s flag.  Which flag should be at the top of the flag pole? As a young Boy Scout I was taught that the national flag should be … Continue reading

Posted in answer to God, atrocities, authority, Christian, Christian history, Christian organizations, church, church history, countries, ethics, flag, flag pole, God, God's authority, honor, idolatry, Jesus is Lord, justice, kingdom of God, lifestyles, Lord, national flags, nations, never-ending, political correctness, political issue, politics, politics and religion, religious ceremonies, Spirit-led, spiritual, spiritual formation | Tagged , , , , , , | 7 Comments