Category Archives: honor

If the mayor should run his city council, shouldn’t Jesus run His church (ekklesia)?

–If someone ignored the mayor and began to run and control a city council meeting as if the mayor wasn’t even there, how would the mayor feel? –When someone ignores the living, risen Jesus and begins to run and control … Continue reading

Posted in America, ancient Greek wisdom, Christian leadership, city of God, ekklesia, God's authority, Greek city-states, Greek word, honor, human authority, leadership, Middle Tennessee, Nashville, Salvation Army, Tennessee, Uncategorized, USA | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Sex Is Easily Perverted

Sex is easily perverted . . . * From making love to making whoopee . . . * From cherishing someone to getting some . . . * From laying your life down for the one you love to getting … Continue reading

Posted in belief, belief system, biblical, Biblical concept, brainwashed, brainwashing, brokenhearted, casual sex, challenges, closet, conscience, contemporary society, conviction, courage, deception, depravity, depression, disapproval, environment, exploitation, feelings, getting laid, getting some, guilt, honor, insight, inspiration, interactive, joy, laying your life down, lies, lifestyles, love, marriage, married sex, moral principles, moral restraints, morality, morals, myths, pornography, psychology, safe sex, seduction, seduction of self-destruction, self-control, self-destruction, self-discipline, self-focus, self-will, selfish desires, sexually confused, shreds, soul, soul mates, spiritual warfare, suffering, the best sex, tolerance, unhappiness, unkindness, values, victims, vulgarity, weddings | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Top Of The Pole — Nation’s Flag Or Christian Flag?

Many Christian organizations, institutions, and churches fly both a Christian flag and their nation’s flag.  Which flag should be at the top of the flag pole? As a young Boy Scout I was taught that the national flag should be … Continue reading

Posted in answer to God, atrocities, authority, Christian, Christian history, Christian organizations, church, church history, countries, ethics, flag, flag pole, God, God's authority, honor, idolatry, Jesus is Lord, justice, kingdom of God, lifestyles, Lord, national flags, nations, never-ending, political correctness, political issue, politics, politics and religion, religious ceremonies, Spirit-led, spiritual, spiritual formation | Tagged , , , , , , | 7 Comments