Category Archives: Kristian Goldmund Aumann

Christ called audibles are transformational

An audible is when a quarterback in football calls out a change in the programmed play right before the ball is snapped. Perhaps churches should let the living, resurrected Jesus be our quarterback and call out audibles during worship meetings. … Continue reading

Posted in 1 Thessalonians 5:19, art of listening, audible, calling audibles, changing plays, church programming, decline of the church, ekklesia, Elizabeth George, house church, inner listening, John 2:5, Kristian Goldmund Aumann, line of scrimmage, listening, listening prayer, listening skills, listening to God, listening to the Spirit, organic church, Quaker worship, Quotations, silence, simple church, spiritual listening, Uncategorized, Whatever He says to you do it | Tagged , , , , , , , | 2 Comments