Tag Archives: Mary and Joseph

Approaching the mystery of Jesus like Mary did

Approaching Jesus through analysis leads to theology. Approaching Him through pondering leads to adoration. Mary treasured and pondered in her heart, the amazing words and prophesies about Him. As His mother, her heart loved and adored Him. Be like Mary! … Continue reading

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Christmas Eve Eve — The Night Before The Day Before The Fiscal Cliff

“‘Twas the night before Christmas . . .”  — those are famous words, but what about the night before the day before Christmas?  Christmas Eve eve is seldom mentioned or thought about.  It’s just another holiday shopping day. However, on … Continue reading

Posted in 'Twas the night before Christmas, Christ, Christ in you, Christian history, Christianity, Christmas Eve, Christmas gifts, Christmas shopping, Christmas shopping season, Christmas traditions, Christmas travel, church history, contemplation, God with us, holiday, holidays, little town of Bethlehem, Nazareth, new birth, Paul of Tarsus, presence of Christ, presence of God, Quotations, quote, Quotes, religion, self-denial, self-destruction, shopping, spiritual formation, submission, surrender, surrender to God, tradition, travel, virgin birth, virgin Mary | Tagged , , , , , , , | 1 Comment