Tag Archives: safe sex

Why does contemporary society approve of consensual casual-sex, but disapprove of consensual obesity?

Why does contemporary society approve of consensual casual-sex but disapprove of consensual obesity?  (Both cause health problems and can be labeled as epidemics.)  Both result from being gone with the whim. If there can be safe casual-sex, why not safe obesity?

Posted in brainwashed, casual sex, challenges, clear conscience, conviction of sin, corrupt culture, epidemic, epidemics, ethics, fear, free will, health, lies, lifestyles, meaning, modern myths, moral principles, morality, morals, myths, obesity, popular culture, questions, right and wrong, right conduct, safe sex, self-denial, self-image, sex, sin, temptation, values, wake-up call, words | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment