Tag Archives: sexuality

Sexual suppression? –Society’s mindset toward sex suppresses its meaning, its physiology, and its primary purpose.

11 American lies about sex

Posted in deeper meaning, human anatomy, lies about sex, meaning of sex, misconceptions, physiology, procreation, purpose of sex | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

A Society That Flaunts Casual Sex Creates Continuous Problems

A society that flaunts casual sex creates continuous problems: An epidemic of sexually transmitted diseases. Increase in health care costs to treat those diseases. Increase in sexual addiction. Fatherless children. Deadbeat dads. Increase in adultery. Widespread and popular promiscuity. Broken … Continue reading

Posted in abortion, addictions, adultery, brainwashing, broken homes, broken marriages, casual sex, choice, contemporary, contemporary society, controversy, cultural taboos, current events, deadbeat dads, depravity, destruction of the family, destructive actions, disease, epidemic, epidemics, fatherless children, guilt, habit, health, health care costs, life, marriage, meaninglessness, media, media circus, misery, moral principles, moral restraints, morality, morals, philosophy, political correctness, popular culture, pornography, pre-natal, pro choice, pro life, problems, prochoice, promiscuity, prostitutes, prostitution, reaping what you sow, resentment, seduction, self, self-control, self-respect, selfish desires, sexual addiction, sexual fulfillment, sexual problems, sexually transmitted diseases, single moms, tolerance, values, vulgarity, welfare, Western world | Tagged , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

Sex Is Easily Perverted

Sex is easily perverted . . . * From making love to making whoopee . . . * From cherishing someone to getting some . . . * From laying your life down for the one you love to getting … Continue reading

Posted in belief, belief system, biblical, Biblical concept, brainwashed, brainwashing, brokenhearted, casual sex, challenges, closet, conscience, contemporary society, conviction, courage, deception, depravity, depression, disapproval, environment, exploitation, feelings, getting laid, getting some, guilt, honor, insight, inspiration, interactive, joy, laying your life down, lies, lifestyles, love, marriage, married sex, moral principles, moral restraints, morality, morals, myths, pornography, psychology, safe sex, seduction, seduction of self-destruction, self-control, self-destruction, self-discipline, self-focus, self-will, selfish desires, sexually confused, shreds, soul, soul mates, spiritual warfare, suffering, the best sex, tolerance, unhappiness, unkindness, values, victims, vulgarity, weddings | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment