Free gas for your heart-tank

If Jesus has touched your life that’s good. If it’s been a while since He touched your heart, you may be running on empty! Jesus offers free gas for your heart-tank. Let Him fill you daily!

A Christian who keeps Jesus in the past tense will be tense, but one who focuses on the presence of Jesus in the present will have great inner peace. Experience the touch of Jesus every day. Don’t let it become a distant memory. A heart that rejects the daily touch of the risen Jesus misses out on life’s most glorious and incredible journey.

Jesus touches my heart throughout the day and keeps me amazed at His presence and power! When Jesus touches my heart, I find myself DUI — Delighted Under the Influence of Christ’s presence. Jesus is touching my heart, right now. As I write this I am delighting in His presence.

A heart touched by Jesus once has a powerful memory. A heart touched by Jesus daily, regularly enjoys His glorious presence! Talks about Jesus are never as powerful as direct heart-touches from Jesus. Jesus wants to touch you; don’t settle for a talk.

Jesus, the Creator as a human being, isn’t confined to Sunday sermons or theological study. He demonstrates His presence to any heart that is open to Him. A mind trusting in understand theology is never as spiritually secure as a heart being continually touched by the risen Jesus. A life lived online with, aligned with, connected to, and in touch with the risen Jesus is glorious!

The presence and the touch of Jesus continue into this now moment and every now moment to come. He remains ever-present and willing. Perhaps the only thing missing is people who are consciously overwhelmed by their brokenness and alienation, face down and begging for His healing. I saw hundreds of people in that condition on the final morning of the Seedbed New Room Conference last year. What I saw and felt then continues to burn in my heart and to overwhelm me to stay face down crying out for the risen Jesus. “Lord Jesus, I behold that you are willing. The question is, am I?”

Why do human hearts need a touch from Jesus? Good and evil are fighting in every human heart — dueling desires, warring wants, and a conflicted conscience continually contend for control. A heart that rejects the touch of the risen Jesus becomes closed, hard, and cold.

Marriage is a powerful tool to open our heart to Jesus. I see marriage as a man and a woman committed to a lifetime of daily following and obeying the risen Jesus together.

I end with a heart-warmer: Every breath is a gift. Take each one in with gratitude to Jesus!

Photo by josiah farrow on

About Steve Simms

I like to look and think outside the box. In college I encountered Jesus Christ and I have been passionate about trying to get to know Him better ever since. My wife and I long to see the power and passion of the first Christ-followers come to life in our time. I have written a book about our experiences in non-traditional church, called, "Beyond Church: An Invitation To Experience The Lost Word Of The Bible--Ekklesia." If you need encouragement, search for: Elephants Encouraging The Room and/or check out my Amazon author page. Thank you!
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