Category Archives: mental illness

Meditations during Mental Health Awareness Month

I didn’t know that May 2017 was Mental Health Awareness Month. However I woke up on May 10 & 11 with the following thoughts about mental health running through my mind. (For me mental health has always required a lot … Continue reading

Posted in a healthy mind, A mind is a terrible thing to, anxious thoughts, attributes of mental health, be transformed by the renewing of your mind, Bible, contentment, harmful thinking, human thoughts, inner peace, may, mental health note, mental illness, mental torment, mind, open mind, peace of mind, positive attitude, power of thinking, renewing your mind, thinking, thought control, thoughts, tormenting thoughts, tyranny of thoughts, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Own-mind security protects against mind-hackers

Use own-mind security. Protect yourself against head-hackers that strive to drain your brain of common sense, corrupt your conscience, and blow up your belief system. Here are 4 own-mind security techniques can give you the moral fiber to help you … Continue reading

Posted in anxiety, attributes of mental health, fear, information technology, insanity, internet security, malware, mental illness, mental torment, online safety, overcoming fear, secular fundamentalism, security, security system, spiritual formation, technology, Uncategorized, worry | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment