Category Archives: value of life

Jesus will help you take care of your mind & inflate the value of all human life!

One area where inflation is needed is in the perceived value of all stages of human life. Let’s inflate the value of all human life! If you don’t operate your computer wisely, it won’t function properly. The same is true … Continue reading

Posted in human life, respect for life, value of life | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

How to revalue devalued human life

Scads of shootings in America are shouting out that human life has been devalued. It’s time to re-value human life. Our lives matter! Here are some practical ways to do that: Treat your own life with respect by overcoming self-destructive … Continue reading

Posted in human life, life matters, value of life | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

3 prolife facts

If homicide and suicide are wrong, so is prenatalcide. To be against the death penalty for the guilty, but for the abortion of the innocent, is inconsistent. When prenatal kill replaces prenatal care, ALL human LIVES are devalued.

Posted in capital punishment, choice, choose life, human life, life, moral choices, pro choice, prolife prochoice, right to choose, value of life | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

All lives matter (or do they?)

You can’t treat me that way! I was worthless and disposable in the womb, but now my life matters. I lived through the womb!!! I went through the womb and came out of it alive! (I bet you did, too.) I’m … Continue reading

Posted in all lives matter, equality, human body, human life, human rights, human sexuality, inequality, life matters, mother's womb, pro life, prolife prochoice, right to life, Uncategorized, value of life, womb | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Hillary’s “unborn person”

Hillary Clinton said, “The unborn person has no constitutional rights.” That statement threatens the rights of us all. If we can deny the rights of “the unborn person” then what is going to stop us from denying rights to some other type … Continue reading

Posted in a woman's right to choose, abortion, American Constitution, anti-abortion, black lives matter, blue lives matter, choose life, Constitution, development of life, end of life, heart, homicide, human life, I'll fight, infanticide, liberty, liberty and justice for all, life matters, moral choices, mother's womb, murders, out of the womb, poem about abortion, police lives matter, political choice, prenatal, prenatal care, prenatal rights, prochoice, prolife, prolife prochoice, respect for life, right to abortion, right to choose, right to life, Row vs. Wade, suicide, Uncategorized, value of life, womb | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Humanity is not just a manatee named Hugh

If someone kills a man to save a child, he is called a hero. However, nowadays, if he kills a gorilla to save a child, he’s harshly criticized. CBS News wrote: “The killing of a gorilla at the Cincinnati Zoo … Continue reading

Posted in abortion, animal rights, brainwashing, choose life, culture, culture wars, end of life, eternal life, evolution, evolution of life, human life, human rights, institutional racism, life is like, life matters, nationalism, natural selection, PETA, protest, purpose driven life, purpose of life, racism, respect for life, right to life, source of life, stop the violence, theory of evolution, Uncategorized, value of life, violence, violence epidemic, violence in society, war, wasting your life | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Is it wise to expand the “right” to kill?

I’m so sad to see some states expanding “the right to kill.” –America continues to legally chop away at the commandment “You shall not kill,” calling prenatal killing “choice” and physician assisted killing “compassion,” thus cheapening the value of human … Continue reading

Posted in anti-abortion, Bianca Jagger, choice, deny yourself, ethics, intolerance, moral choices, morality, prochoice, prolife, right and wrong, right to choose, right to disagree, right to life, the right to, Thou shall not, tolerance, Uncategorized, value of life | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Stop devaluation! (Guns or abortion?)

If we don’t want to continue to see random mass murders in America, we must stop devaluing human life! Speaking about the need to do something to stop mass killings, President Obama said: “This is something we should politicize. It … Continue reading

Posted in a terrible thing to waste, cyber space, devaluation, disrespect, human life, Oregon shootings, political choice, President Obama, prolife prochoice, regulating guns, something we should politicize, value of life, video games, violence, wasting your life | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment