Category Archives: web

Church Ledership — Hierarchy or Humility?

Should leadership in the church be based on hierarchy or humility?   Well, according to Jesus leadership is not established by human authority, official position, titles, rank, strength, or hierarchy; but by humility, service, weakness, brokenness before God, and submission … Continue reading

Posted in church format, church leadership, church meetings, church organizational chart, church programs, church roles, denominations, do it, facebook, God resists the proud, God's authority, have mercy on me a sinner, hymn, hymns, ministers, ministry, Mother Mary, Nashville, Nashville charity, Nashville church, Nashville tourist attractions, pastor, Quench not the Spirit, Salvation Army, Salvation Army church, Salvation Army Corps, spirit, Spirit-filled, Spirit-led, Spirit-prompted, spiritual, theology, web, website | Tagged , , , , , | 6 Comments

Boycott Violence! Refuse To Enjoy Violence!

The seeds of violence and disrespect are rampant in our society — images of violence are a pervading presence in most of our lives. If you and I don’t stop receiving the seeds of violence into our mind, our memory, … Continue reading

Posted in bomb in Boston, bombs at Boston Marathan, challenge, gun violence, internet, laws, legislation, love, Love one another, love your enemies, news, peace, peace of mind, proposal, television, thoughts, TV, TV network, video games, web | Tagged , , , , , , | 2 Comments