Tag Archives: family gathering

Mother’s Day @ Nashville’s Berry Street

Mother’s Day at Berry Street Worship Center is like a family gathering . . . * It is informal, relaxed, and real; * The celebration is not rigidly programmed but free flowing and spontaneous; * It’s not controlled by and/or … Continue reading

Posted in Berry Street, Mother's Day service, non-mothers, organic church, Salvation Army, unprogrammed | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

A highly planned program without personal interaction would make for a boring family gathering or party. What about church?

What about church?  A highly planned program without personal interaction would make for a boring family gathering or party!

Posted in creativity, innovation, multi-voiced church, participation, participation in church, participators, participatory church, participatory culture, participatory sermons | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

A family gathering isn’t controlled from a podium on a platform with a fixed program that everyone is prescribed to follow. Instead, a family gathering is allowed to flow and develop naturally and spontaneously. –So, if church is a gathering of God’s family, why do we do church so formally and so differently than a normal family gathering?

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Hey Church, We Are Family . . . (Do We Act Like It?)

Perhaps the church can learn from family . . . The Bible teaches that church is family — a body of believers bound together in spiritual kinship.  Church is hearts connected in love for Christ and for one another.   The … Continue reading

Posted in Acts, Berry Street, Berry Street Worship Center, Bible, Biblical concept, children, Christ, Christ-centered, Christian, Christian community, Christianity, church, community, disciple making, discipling, early church, family gathering, formal, funerals, house church, I Corinthians 14:26, improv, improvisation, Jesus, Jesus Christ, kingdom of God, lecture, lesson plans, marriage, modeling, New Testament, non-traditional church, organic church, parents, participatory church, religion, religious ceremonies, simple church, Spirit-led, spiritual, spiritual kinship, support group, teaching, the way we do church, thinking, tradition, unprogrammed church, weddings, Western religion, What would Jesus do? | Tagged , , , , , , , | 6 Comments