Tag Archives: Gone With The Wind

When Church Is Gone With The Wind!

The Holy Spirit is like the wind. When believers gather we can build walls to block the wind of the Spirit from blowing away our “order of worship” or we can raise sails and and let the wind of the … Continue reading

Posted in body life, body of Christ, David Walters, led by the Spirit, Sid Roth's It's Supernatural, Spirit surfing, Spirit's flow, Spirit-filled, Spirit-led, Spirit-led church, Spirit-prompted, spiritual streaming, The Spirit blows where it will, wind, wind of the Spirit | Tagged , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Gone With The Whim (And They Don’t Give A Wham!)

Margaret Mitchell’s romantic novel about the American Civil War and Reconstruction, Gone With The Wind, was published in 1936 and won the Pulitzer Prize in 1937.  Had it been published in the Twenty-First Century, it might have been called Gone … Continue reading

Posted in 21st Century, addiction, American Civil War, American Literature, black history, history, lifestyles, popular culture, Pulitzer Prize, quote, Quotes, Reconstruction, romantic novel, Saint Pachomius, sex, spiritual formation | Tagged , , , , , , | 18 Comments