Category Archives: wind

Air Dancer Christ-followers

As I was with a group of Christ-followers who were praying and sharing as they felt prompted by the Holy Spirit, the image of a large Air Dancer came to my mind. Are Christ-followers called to be animated like Air … Continue reading

Posted in animation, apart from me you can do nothing, bouncy houses, Christ in you, Gone With The Wind, hope of glory, mighty rushing wind, the wind blows where it will, Uncategorized, wind, wind of the Spirit | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

When Church Is Gone With The Wind!

The Holy Spirit is like the wind. When believers gather we can build walls to block the wind of the Spirit from blowing away our “order of worship” or we can raise sails and and let the wind of the … Continue reading

Posted in body life, body of Christ, David Walters, led by the Spirit, Sid Roth's It's Supernatural, Spirit surfing, Spirit's flow, Spirit-filled, Spirit-led, Spirit-led church, Spirit-prompted, spiritual streaming, The Spirit blows where it will, wind, wind of the Spirit | Tagged , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Stormy Weather

It’s not easy to weather stormy weather.  Dark clouds, wind, hail, floods. There is a story about a man who built his house on sand.  When the rains came and the winds blew his house collapsed into ruble. However, another … Continue reading

Posted in alternative lifestyle, Bible, built his house on a rock, change, change management, Christ, Christ-centered, Christian, dark clouds, faith, faith-based, floods, God, hail, hearing God, inward change, Jesus, Jesus Christ, life, lifestyles, normal Christianity, Oh my God, peace, rains, repentance, salvation, self-help, spiritual disciplines, spiritual formation, stable, stormy weather, thundeer, training camp, values, voice of God, wages of sin, wind | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment