Category Archives: 1st Century church

A Christian worship gathering was first called . . .?

The first Christians didn’t call their gatherings “synagogue” like the Rabbi-led Jewish meeting, but “ekklesia” like the democratic Greek town hall meeting. Gradually the early Christian gatherings turned away from the democratic ekklesia model and embraced the hierarchical synagogue model. … Continue reading

Posted in 1st Century church, early Christianity, early church, ekklesia, Spirit-led, Spirit-led church, Spirit-prompted | Tagged , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Is it time for an octastich — a new beginning in how Christ-followers meet?

An Octastich Based On 1 Corinthians 14:26   When the body of Christ comes together Each person has a special part to play, As we allow the presence of the living, Resurrected Jesus to lead the way. Some people have … Continue reading

Posted in 1 Corinthians 14:26, 1st Century church, body of Christ, church, church poems, Dones, ekklesia, how the body of Christ functions, meaning of number 8, new beginning, octastich, organic church, poem, Uncategorized | Tagged | Leave a comment

Church: Do minds wander or are people filled with awestruck wonder?

When a church meeting is allowed to freely flow in the unforced rhythm of the Spirit — amazing things happen! When we call the shots — not so much. –Perhaps instead of making people’s minds wander, church should fill them … Continue reading

Posted in 1st Century church, Alvin L. Reid, amazement, book of Acts, early church, everyone was filled with awe, formal religion, Malcolm McDow, Nashville, Quotes, rhythm of the Spirit, TN, wander-lust, who calls the shots | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment