Category Archives: American patriotism

Statues & Knees (a paradox)

A poem about statues and knees: With statues we honor Men who took up arms In violent rebellion Against America; But we dishonor Those who simply kneel To protest police shootings Of unarmed men.

Posted in all lives matter, American Civil War, American patriotism, black lives matter, blue lives matter, Civil War, football, justice, National Football League, nationalism, patriotism, police lives matter, police violence, professional football, race, racial healing, racial reconciliation, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

How 2 Celebrate The 4th Of July

How 2 Celebrate the 4th! Celebrate the 4th of July by using your freedom of speech (while you still have it). Speak up, in a kind and loving way, about your love for God and your commitment to biblical principles … Continue reading

Posted in America, American, American Constitution, American history, American patriotism, American values, ethics, faith, faith in God, faith-based, family values, moral decision, moral failures, moral foundations, moral judgment, quotation, Quotations, quote, Quotes | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

From Independence Day to Dependence Day

Most people around the world know that the 4th of July is American Independence Day — when we relish the thought of being free from reliance on others.  However, perhaps we need to get beyond July 4th and acknowledge July … Continue reading

Posted in American patriotism, American values, Americans, Christian values, Christianity, freedom, history, holidays, humility, kingdom of God, kingdom values, religious innovation, religious tradition, spiritual, spiritual healing, spiritual life, spirituality, values | Tagged , , , , , , | 3 Comments