Category Archives: complacency

My Favorite Emoji Calls Me Out of My Complacent Zone

The classic smiley face is my favorite emoji. It reminds me that there’s not much to smile about in my complacent zone. The smiley face emoji makes me realize that staying in my complacent zone is boredom for my mind! … Continue reading

Posted in comfort zone, complacency, smiley face | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Why do I complain about church?

I frequently express dissatisfaction with church. I don’t do it to irritate people (even though people let me know that it does irritate them). I do it because the risen Jesus is so much more stupendous than a structured, human-controlled … Continue reading

Posted in alternative church, bored in church, complacency | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Humans Must Compete To Be Complete

We incomplete humans must compete to be complete. We have to compete with the gang of 4 — complacency, mediocrity, passivity, and apathy.    These 4 want us to give up before we even get started on our way to … Continue reading

Posted in advocate, apathy, attitude, competition, complacency, conformity, gang of, genes, mediocrity, passivity, spiritual darkness | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

If you please and appease your wrongful desires they will seize you like a life-threatening disease and put you in a squeeze. “Flee those men who follow their whims.” –Pachomius (born in 292 in Luxor, Egypt)

If you please and appease your wrongful desires they will seize you like a life-threatening disease and put you in a squeeze. “Flee those men who follow their whims.” –Pachomius (born in 292 in Luxor, Egypt)

Posted in Christianity, complacency, compliance, compromise, compulsion, cravings, depression, desires, destructive actions, orientation, reformer, whims, wrongful behavior | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Imitator or Radiator? (Awash In The World or Aflame For God?)

Are you a radiator spreading the presence and power of Christ to the people around you or an imitator following the influence of popular culture? Are you transforming your friends, neighbors, coworkers and community by godly influence or are you … Continue reading

Posted in aflame, alternative lifestyle, apologists, awash, be transformed by the renewing of your mind, belief, belief system, biblical, burning heart, change agent, Christ followers, Christ-centered, Christian, comfort zone, complacency, contagion, contemplation, controversy, conversion, convert, corrupt culture, countercultural, current events, fire of the Holy Spirit, imitator, Jesus, Jesus Christ, meaning, media, media circus, ministry, mission field, missional, missionary, moral principles, morality, obedience, obedience is better than sacrifice, obeying orders, popular culture, radiator, sales, salesperson, spiritual transformation, spiritual warfare, testimonies, thermometer, thermostat, values | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

All The World’s A Stage Showering Us With Seductive Sounds & Scenes

William Shakespeare wrote:  “All the world’s a stage,” yet in his day the stage was very limited.  The only way to see theatrical entertainment or to hear music was to be in person at a live performance.  Nowadays, all the … Continue reading

Posted in All the world is a stage, anger, attitude, be transformed by the renewing of your mind, Bible, brain, brainwashed, casual sex, cesorship, compassion, complacency, compliance, compromise, conscience, contemporary, corrupt culture, cravings, criticism, cultural taboos, current events, destructive actions, disapproval, disdain, dishonesty, disrespect, Do not conform, electronic media, fear, hate speech, injury, lifestyles, live performance, married sex, mature language, meaninglessness, media circus, message, mind, modern myths, moral principles, moral restraints, morality, morals, myths, political attack ads, Quotations, quote, Quotes, rage, right and wrong, right conduct, right living, righteousness, seduction, seduction of self-destruction, self-focus, self-will, spiritual warfare, television, the stage, theater, theatrical entertainment, TV, TV network, unkindness, values, video, viewer discretion advised, violence, vulgarity, warning | Tagged , , , , , , , | 10 Comments

Are You Living With Bloodsucking Leeches?

A man saw a guy with leeches on his neck and said to him:  “Hey, you’ve got leeches on your neck and need to get them off.” The guy with the bloodsucking leeches snapped back:  “Who are you to criticize … Continue reading

Posted in alternative lifestyle, attitude, change, change management, Charles Spurgeon, clear conscience, compassion, complacency, compromise, confession, conscience, conversion, conviction of sin, corrupt culture, criticism, deliverance, guilt, habit, harmful habit, judgments, lifestyles, love, morality, morals, Quotations, quote, Quotes, recovery, repent, repentance, temptation, thinking, thoughts, Uncategorized, unhappiness, wages of sin, wake-up call, What would Jesus do? | Tagged , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Cravings Can Capture & Control Your Life

Unrestrained desire can dominate and defeat you.  Cravings can capture and control your life. Yet our society teaches us to surrender to desires, cravings, compulsions, and whims:  “If you feel like doing something, go for it, and don’t listen to … Continue reading

Posted in Alcoholics Anonymous, alternative lifestyle, casual sex, challenges, Christian, Christianity, Christoph Friedrich Blumhardt, complacency, conscience, conviction of sin, country music, cravings, feelings, free will, freedom, guidance, guilt, habit, harmful habit, inward change, John Piper, John Ruskin, lifestyles, morality, morals, peacetime, Quotations, quote, Quotes, recovery, reformation, repent, repentance, self-will, shame, sin, sobriety, society, spiritual formation, thoughts, tolerance, true Christian life, violent streak, war, White Eagle, Why be a Christian? | Tagged , , , , , , | 11 Comments

Christ is not just comfort in a crisis, but a wake-up call crying out in your complacency!

Christ is not just comfort in a crisis, but a wake-up call crying out in your complacency! Every now and then I think about the by and by, but I prefer to focus on the here and now.  We can … Continue reading

Posted in Bible, Christ, Christianity, complacency, evidence for God, guidance, hearing God, hearing Jesus, Jesus Christ, life, new birth, Oh my God, prayer, recovery, religion, repent, revelation, salvation, spiritual, spiritual disciplines, spiritual formation, spiritual growth, supernatural, The Voice, voice activated, voice of God, voices, wake-up call | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment