Category Archives: murders

Stephen’s “safe” job

Stephen, one of the first Christ-followers, was appointed to a safe job — waiting on tables and serving widows. Then Christ’s original disciples laid their hands on him and prayed over him. Stephen, however, didn’t blandly stay in his assigned … Continue reading

Posted in heroes, martyrs, murders, saints | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Ireland declares prenatal human life to be disposable

Ireland has joined most other Western nations in making prenatal human life legally disposable. Irish activist, Cora Sherlock, put it this way: “What repealing or replacing the 8th Amendment would actually involve, if voted through, is stripping unborn babies of … Continue reading

Posted in anti-abortion, babies, choose life, disrespect, human life, mass murders, mass shootings, mother's womb, murders, prenatal, prenatal care, prenatal medicine, prenatal rights, prochoice, prolife, prolife prochoice, random mass killings, respect for life, Uncategorized, Western culture, What do they do with aborted babies, why mass shootings, womb | Tagged , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Our violent world desperately needs the message of ONE.

Attacking & injuring people with words is the first step toward violence. Be kind. To stop the growth of evil in society, we all need to stop allowing it in our own hearts & minds. Since evil acts begin in … Continue reading

Posted in demons, evil spirits, good and evil, guilt, heart is deceitful, heart is desperately wicked, how to overcome guilt, inner peace, mass murders, murders, ONE: Unfolding God's Eternal Purpose From House To House, overcoming evil, peace, problem of evil, shall not kill, source of evil, Uncategorized, where does evil come from, why mass shootings | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Hillary’s “unborn person”

Hillary Clinton said, “The unborn person has no constitutional rights.” That statement threatens the rights of us all. If we can deny the rights of “the unborn person” then what is going to stop us from denying rights to some other type … Continue reading

Posted in a woman's right to choose, abortion, American Constitution, anti-abortion, black lives matter, blue lives matter, choose life, Constitution, development of life, end of life, heart, homicide, human life, I'll fight, infanticide, liberty, liberty and justice for all, life matters, moral choices, mother's womb, murders, out of the womb, poem about abortion, police lives matter, political choice, prenatal, prenatal care, prenatal rights, prochoice, prolife, prolife prochoice, respect for life, right to abortion, right to choose, right to life, Row vs. Wade, suicide, Uncategorized, value of life, womb | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

“The right to choose,” falsely says “Some lives don’t matter.”

Why don’t prenatal lives matter in America? Why have we devalued the most innocent form of human life? Why are prenatal lives offered no respect, no protection, and no rights? Abortion opens up a frightening question: If prenatal human life is … Continue reading

Posted in all lives matter, anti-abortion, black lives matter, blue lives matter, causes of violence, Democrat, disregard for human rights, gun violence, human rights, mass murders, murders, police lives matter, political issue, politics, prenatal, prenatal care, prenatal medicine, prenatal rights, Presidential politics, right to abortion, right to life, stop domestic violence, stop the violence, Ten Commandments, Thou shall not, Uncategorized, violence against children, violence epidemic, violence in society | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Sometimes love loses . . .

Love wins has become a popular slogan. However, love doesn’t always win. Sometimes love loses. Love loses when bullying becomes a political strategy. Love loses when a child in the womb is viewed as an object to be killed and disposed … Continue reading

Posted in abortion, agree to disagree, assault rife, build a wall, bullying, casual sex, disrespect, entertainment, fear, hate, hate speech, love wins flag, murders, political correctness, politics, pride, racism, religion, road rage, self-focus, social media, Uncategorized, violence, war | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

“There is something evil in our society . . .” –a Washington DC doctor.

“There is something evil in our society . . . ” –a Washington DC doctor after a mass shooting in her city in 2013.. Perhaps it is time to admit that something is terribly wrong with contemporary Western society that … Continue reading

Posted in 2 Chronicles 7:14, America, American, chief medical officer, Dr. Janis Orlowski, ethics, evil in our society, facebook, hate, hatred, heal their land, MedStar Washington Hospital, murders, prayer, prayers, praying, problem of evil, repent, repentance, Thou shall not, why mass shootings | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment